USA did us proud too

by LB 14 Replies latest social physical

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I also want to pipe in for the ole US of A. Even though they were eliminated, they played hard and earned some much needed respect from the rest of the world.

    As for Soccer replacing european football. Nah, I don't see that happening. I would like to see more interest however. I think that Americans have engrained in them what I like to call the "suspended breath" factor. We love sports were it can come down to the last play, last pitch, last basket attempt. How many times have I watched Football (American) when winning came down to that last play. Five seconds are on the clock. The ball is hiked, the quarterback goes back for the long hail mary pass, the receiver running full speed down towards the goal, a defensmen hot on his tail. All eyes are on that ball spiriling through the air. Will he or won't he catch it? Not a breath is heard. Will be pass be complete and a touchdown? Or incomplete and a nice try but no dice? Either way, someone is going to be bitterly disappointed. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. The receivers arms stretch out and with his fingertips, the pass is caught! A collective breath of air is released.Quicky he pulls the ball into his body and runs into the goal with the defensemen falling on his face desperately trying to tackel him.


    And that team gets to go to the Superbowl.

    Those kind of plays are legend here in the US.

    Businesses here love to use football analogies when attempting to motivate employees or when CEOs give speeches.

    Soccer lacks the single play suspended breath thing.

    However, I like to watch it.


  • LB

    And another problem we have with making soccer popular on TV is that they continue playing, no time outs for commercials. We need to sell airtime in order to get a product on TV. Not many sports play on as in soccer.

    Maybe cheerleaders would help?

  • Simon

    USA did well ... they got a lot further than many other 'big football nations' did.

    In fact, I think they were *very* unlucky to loose to Germany. They clearly had a goal blocked with a handball on the line and had some other good shots / near misses.

    We'll have to wait for the England USA final till another time ...

  • Grout

    Actually, I'm USAian but I might have been fairly unhappy to have the USA win, what with all the fouling going on.

    Is World Cup football always that ugly?

  • jelly

    I always disliked watching basketball until this year. When my local team (the kings) made a run in the playoffs I started watching and by learning some of the strategy involved I found I enjoyed the game much more.

    I think soccer would be the same if I could just understand the strategy of the game maybe I would see the action on the field. As it stands right now I really cant see any strategy in the game it just seems that the fastest running team wins. I know thats not the case its just how it appears to me with my lack of understanding. Now the sport I know best, American football, is filled with strategy; it starts with what players are on the field, then the formations also play a hand, finally after the snap who goes where and who defends whom honestly American football is a chess game.


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