Speech Counsel Point - TIMING

by Mister Biggs 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Reborn2002


    The latter talk of the brother was entirely different-part of the Service Meeting- and although the bros are encouraged to keep their talks to the specified time alloted what is MORE important is the content of the information.

    Beg to disagree there Eduardo.

    The #2, #3, and #4 talks for the Theocratic Ministry School are all designated to be five minutes.

    Looking into the monthly Kingdom Ministry, each individual part for each weekly Service Meeting is assigned a specific amount of time.

    For example:

    10 minutes - Local Announcements

    15 minutes - Talk "Why Jehovah's Witnesses Hide Pedophiles to Protect the Image of the Organization" (to be handled by an arrogant elder)

    20 minutes - Talk "Why You Should Have Faith in the Organization and Do As We Tell You To Do!" (to be handled by another arrogant elder)

    To go overtime or to take time away from another person's talk is disrespectful to both the audience and the other speakers assigned.

    You admittingly said:

    and although the brothers are encouraged to keep their talks to the specified time alloted what is MORE important is the content of the information.

    Couldn't the same be said for a brother or sister who took the time to prepare a well thought out part for their #2, #3, or #4 talk?

    Oh so I suppose your idea applies only to elders and ministerial servants who give parts on the Service Meeting.

    Then they say that the Jehovah's Witness organization holds no clergy or class distinction.


    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 21 June 2002 12:32:6

  • crawdad2

    hi eduardo,......... you are right about cult leaders enjoying the power of the situation.......... only i beg to differ on how many of them get off on it...........i would say "most" of them do!!!!!........ they love to be the school overseer.

    kinda like the gov body claiming to be god's mouthpiece!.... with no credentials!.........claiming to be the faithful and discreet slave, instucting the whole world................ they get off on it!!!!!!!!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    The beauty of a discussion board is the fact that people can agree or disagree on the same subject. Another beauty is that we can see holes in ones arguments. Let's see how Oroborus' argument fails and contradicts itself, shall we?

    First, when it comes to "speech" classes which is essentially what the MS is, whether it is the MS or if it were at school, it is entirely useful to hear the critique publicly.

    "Speech class"? Arguably, perhaps. But who really is the teacher of this "class"? Usually ... Always, the one giving the counsel relies on the School Guide Book. For example, this is typical of the Counselor: "On page 176 in the School Guide Book, it says that you should have..." or "The School Guide Book says that you can use words that...". In a true school, the teacher has a great knowledge of the subject at hand. They don't continously refer to a textbook. A truly good instructor has much experience in their field of study. It has been my experience that most of the JW School Overseers are terrible with timing, use poor grammar, use word-whiskers (i.e., Uh, Um...) in their own talks, and don't use more than one gesture.

    Next, he says:

    The other students in the class just heard the talk, if they then hear the counsel, points that were good and things needing improvement they can then take the whole experience and learn from it for themselves. Thus everyone is instructed not just the student-speaker.

    This statement is not accurate! I challenge any current or former DUBS to come forward. Who sits in the audience and actually applies it to themselves? Isn't it more fair to say that when the man or woman is getting counseled, the audience is saying to themselves, 'Wow! He/she is getting their butt handed to him. He/she really screwed up' OR 'Poor brother/sister! That Counselor is being really hard on him.' I would venture to say that most folks in the audience ARE NOT saying, 'Hmm! I will have to try using that part of the counsel in MY next talk!'

    This is where his argument collapses:

    The School is specifically to work on particular speech counsel points and to improve as a speaker (now with the change in the school effective 2003, really the emphasis is on becoming a better "minister" not merely speaker).

    How do you measure improvement? Based on Oroborus' argument, then, there is no improvement if the very ones getting counseled become Elders or Servants and then don't apply the counsel of timing, gestures, word-whiskers, audience contact, etc.! That certainly defeats the whole purpose of having a school, does it not?

    Still failing in his argument, he next says:

    The point the student was specifically supposed to be concentrating on was timing, thus it is fair and appropriate to judge him on that point.

    Like Reborn said, the same should also apply to the TMS. If they are alotted 10 minutes for their part, then they need to stick to it. By constantly going overtime, have they truly benefitted from the school?


    The latter talk of the brother was entirely different-part of the Service Meeting- and although the bros are encouraged to keep their talks to the specified time alloted what is MORE important is the content of the information. Entirely different than the ministry school.

    Reborn already broke this down nicely.

  • NotBlind

    I was in a congregation where they used to call TIME at the end of the 5 minutes. Then the poor speaker had to get off the stage. Why don't they call time of some of those long-winded service meeting parts, if timing is so important to them?? It sounds like a double standard to me: members of the JW clergy get to talk as long as they please....

    OH WAIT!!! JW's don't have a clergy!! LOL

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Hi, NotBlind. I don't think I've ever seen any of your posts. Nice to meet you.

    They used to ring a bell at mine (you know, those bells that some hotels have that you press down on? BING!)

    Now, they tap a pen on a table.

    I love it when the so-called student continues their talk anyway, despite the tap on the desk!!!

  • NotBlind

    Hi, Mister Biggs. Nice to meet you too. I pop in here every now and then. I want to start posting a little more regularly.... Call it a belated New Year's Resolution!

    Anyway, I would love it when an elderly person would go overtime and wouldn't hear the overseer call TIME. They would just go on and on and on and on. I bet it really flustered the overseer. I think the world record is NINE MINUTES, 18 SECONDS, which I personally timed for an 80-something brother named Arthur.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Dag! 9 minute 18 seconds??? LOL!

    When I did the sound I always wanted to start playing the final song at 9:10 PM, which is when the meeting was officially supposed to end! I always would envision the brother speaking in mid-sentence and then....DoooDOdoooo....dooodoodooo ('God's Loyal Love' song)

  • NotBlind
    I always would envision the brother speaking in mid-sentence and then....DoooDOdoooo....dooodoodooo

    That actually happened to me once! I was giving a Number 4 talk in the 2nd School. In our hall it was customary to wait until the 2nd school was done to start the Service Meeting. But not this time!

    The dope giving the instruction talk went over, so when I was about 3 1/2 minutes into my Number Four, the song started....and my talk? Well, it always helps to be in the Front School, doesn't it?

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Aw, man! Our 2nd school is supposed to be sound proff. Ah, but... Either you hear the zealous-I'm-reaching-out brother giving his talk in a loud Armageedon-like voice protruding from the 2nd school to the main school OR you hear the song playing as your mid-way through the #4 talk. It never fails!

  • joannadandy
    I think the worst parts for going overtime were the concluding talks at conventions and those damn long prayers as well as the final talk of the service meeting.

    UGHHH! Try standing in high heels weaving with your eyes closed for 15 min of prayer!!

    As for the whole, giving recomendations to others in a speech class, yeah that is helpful, but you are supposed to do it so that everyone has a chance to chime in, and the speaker gets a chance to make comments too. Then a dialouge is started about what went wrong and what went right, what worked for the AUDIENCE, and what didn't. This is way different from what goes on in the MS.

    I would also like to point out how EASY you boys had it! lol...nothing was more irritating than having to write a five minute play instead of giving a speech. HOW LAME IS THAT?

    Do you all remember, maybe it was just my hall, when they really pushed the sisters to have informal witnessing as a setting? (I got told-from the platform-that next time I should use that for my setting) YEAH RIGHT! Do you know how hard that is?Your topic is: "The signifgance of the bride class for modern day christians" Setting; Informal witnessing at a Bus Stop. ...PUH-LEEZE!

    Me and my one friend wouldALWAYS throw in this line in our talks, just because it was so damn hoaky..Her-"Do you have your bible with you?" Me: (in as fake a voice as possible) "why yes! YES I do have my bible with me while I am sitting in this truck stop"

    It always made the congregation laugh...even they knew how lame it was...

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