Rude/Snotty Witnesses

by dottie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Actually, Preston, it was Groucho Marx who first made that comment.


  • orangefatcat

    I would have walked over to her and said, oh I see you have your bible and the watchtower magazine there, I guess you are a JW's , and then her ears are all perked up and then you say, I always knew that JW's were no better then any one else and you just proved my point. And with that turn around a walk away with your head up high.

  • HomebutHiding

    I like Pub's reply. I would NOT have been able to sit still. I would have had to appraoch her. she could have just been in a really bad mood, i.e., human. Nonetheless, as a JW, she needs to be ever-vigilant...always on her toes..always reflecting the love that should ooze from every pore as a result of the overflowing measure of hole spirit...blah, blah, blah. Still, I would have noted her unkindness to her.

  • worldly girl
    worldly girl

    I understand that all people are capable of being rude, snotty, and my personal fave....condescending<sp?>. HOWEVER....I never could understand HOW as a JW you are supposed to be kind and loving to all people, especially those who aren't in the "truth" because they don't have the hope that JW's do, yet and still when they "decline" the message of God, many times I've seen JW's bad mouth the individuals while leaving their doorstep....Anyone see the movie "Friday"........just picture that..... :) Having been raised as a dub, I was raised around the "I'm better than you attitude", yet I never quite fit the mold.....I've always been friends with everyone!! But I have to agree, I would have called her out on her lack of "christian love", and the judgemental attitude. The thing I'm not understanding is, did she know you? If not that's even worse. Oh well I'm not GOD, and I'm not here to judge, just stating my opinion!! :)

  • MoeJoJoJo

    She's just another one of Jehovah's HAPPY people.

  • HomebutHiding

    I remember, as a young 19 year old finding the truth (just in the knick of time in 75), feeling in awe of the society and its obvious hold on the holy spirit. My first experience with a CO visit was thrilling for me, until one evening after a stimulating talk, I approached him to tell him how the info hit home and how unworthy felt, to which he replied, "If the shoe fits, wear it." Then he moved on to talk with the more distinguished members of the cong. I was shocked and hurt, but went on to pio anyway. Sheeeesh. I have heard upity, snotty comments all along. It is something I did work hard against being guilty of myself. I always felt, and still do.....possibly more so..that being kind is more important than anything. HbH

  • ChakkaConned


    Your comments hit home with me. Many times I thought that the various odd negative comments that seemed to flow from some JW's mouths was so contradictory of what a true christian servant of the lord should be. They espouse the fruitage of God's, joy, peace...kindness, yet, too often, cryptic remarks would be the response when kindness would seem to be the obvious and best way to respond to a brother or sister. These cutting remarks seemed to drop off of their lips as they were clueless and uncaring about how they came across. Most peculiar.

    I found that humility, which is what you displayed to the CO, was viewed more like weakness and therefore, disrespected somehow. You opened your heart and he seized the opportunity to shoot you down. Again..most peculiar.

  • joannadandy

    My little opinion is as follows:

    Everyone has pissy days. Everyone is an ass at some point to someone--it's unavoidable.

    It's unfair to say, "well she/he is a _________, and should know better then to treat people like that."

    For that blank spot insert: Waitress, Teacher, Doctor, Nurse, Secretary, Boss, Jehovahs Witness, Baptist, Born-again-Christian, Police Officer, Social Worker, Judge, Sales Clerk, etc.

    I think we hold certain people to higher standandards, or people who hold themselves to higher standandards, are easy targets. It's not fair to judge a stranger by one experience you have had with them. We all feel entitled to bad days, and Everyone is entitled to a bad day.

    Does that mean they are justified in their behavior, of course not. Does that mean it shouldn't be pointed out to them, of course not, tho tact and a cool head would be a must. You might even try buttering their ass with a "ahh having a bad day?" Just to shock 'em. Does that mean we sometimes don't look for things in those people to detract them--sometimes. Because of who they are, do we sometimes get just a little more annoyed with them--could be.

    My whole point being--be curteous to everyone, and try not to judge people on one encounter.

  • joannadandy
    They espouse the fruitage of God's, joy, peace...kindness, yet, too often, cryptic remarks would be the response when kindness would seem to be the obvious and best way to respond to a brother or sister. These cutting remarks seemed to drop off of their lips as they were clueless and uncaring about how they came across

    Ok just to beat a dead horse,--cuz it's fun to make glue the old fashioned way, and I am not saying these people are right in how they treat others--however, maybe they were clueless. We sometimes forget people can't read our minds. And they sometimes forget that their clinical answers aren't what's need on the part of people who are hurting.

    Bottomline, no matter how christian someone claims to be--they are imperfect. I bet Ghandi kicked puppies when he was little. I would even bet Mother Terrsa would have laughed at Funniest Home Videos when the guy gets nailed in the sack with a football. Very Christian, nope. But very human.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    they love to leave those at laundromats. i read that on one of their websites. i have also seen them popping up in doctor's offices too. every time i find a watchtower or awake, i throw it in the trash. so there.

    p.s. if that woman's so happy, why was she such a beyatch. oh i forgot - as children of satan, we have no feelings or sensibilities...

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