Movie quotes - Guess and give

by SpiceItUp 243 Replies latest social entertainment

  • plmkrzy

    OK Friendlyfella, a hint with #1 ...Nichole Kidman said it.

    1) I'm not his girlfriend!...He's my gangtser.

    GOHPER! You should have got #3

    3) Well...if you fake it...then you probably don't have it.

    Hint with #5 GEESH....ALL the main charactor's are major stars

    5) I've got medi-care so take your best shot.

    Hint with #6.. this was from a more recent popular SciFi (90's) & there were seguels made, The line got a big laugh in the theater.

    6) What do you MEAN have I seen s**t like this before!

    ...........................DO I LOOK LIKE I'VE SEEN S**T LIKE THIS BEFORE!

    Hint with #7...Tom Cruze said it in the movie that launched his career geeezzz.

    7) Porsche...there is no other.

  • plmkrzy

    forgot one.

    "She reminds me of me" reply "Then we might just not get along!"

    HINT......The exchange was from the only movie that earned John Wayne an Oscar.

  • SpiceItUp

    Still no takers on these....ok I'll give hints...

    "Do not mock me boy for I am in a foul disposition"

    Drew Barrymore was in this movie

    "This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence"

    Focus on the bold words.

    "Baby's dont sleep this well"

    I'll add another quote for this one..... "I would fight Ghandi"

    They aren't that hard


  • MegaDude


    is would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence"

    Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange."

    "Baby's dont sleep this well"
    Ed Norton in "Fight Club."
  • SpiceItUp

    Mega *ding ding*

    I didnt think those were that hard.......

    "Do not mock me boy for I am in a foul disposition" takers.....this was from Ever After


    Edited to add-----WOOOOOHOOOOOO I made Master!!!!!!!!!

    Edited by - SpiceItUp on 20 June 2002 10:26:41

  • joannadandy
    Fasten your seat belts boy''s going to be a bumpy ride.
    . My mother thanks you, my father thanks you and I thank you .

    The first one is All About Eve

    Second one, is Yankee Doodle Dandy?

    And Spice I was gonna say Ever After...sheesh give a girl a chance...

    And since no one has gotten mine I shall try again:

    1) Hint: Stared Ed Norton

    "I haven't F#*%$ed like that since grade school"

    2) Hint: More of the clip...

    "How Many?"

    "Something like...36"

    "That's including me?"



  • SpiceItUp
    "I haven't F#*%$ed like that since grade school"

    Ha! Fight Club...I did that one too

  • SpiceItUp

    Joanna - Is your number 2 "when Harry met Sally"

    BTW- The Ever After I had on since page 1 - Lots of chances I say


  • joannadandy

    Yeah well I am

    Nope not when Harry Met Sally...

  • starfish422

    Spice - I was going to guess Ever After for the Drew Barrymore one but you replied too soon!! :)

    How about this one: "Well, we didn't get dressed up for nothin'..."

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