Treating the pioneers "Just So."

by LDH 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    I thought for sure the congregation would be generous with me. I didn't necessarily *need* anything, but surely Jehovah would let me see how

    It was this comment of Lisa's I addressed. The fact that many pioneers may or may not be neglected was not my point. I was addressing the idea that a pioneer would EXPECT the congregation to be generous simply because they are a pioneer, and that this would be a sign of Jehovah's blessing upon their work.

    Many pioneers are young, still living at home. There are also many wives who pioneer and their support is fully funded by their husbands. Should these people also expect the congregation's financial help or other considerations as proof of God's blessing? ( remember many JWs have died in defense of their faith, yet because I decide to pioneer God is obligated to take care of ME?)

    My point is that what is stated on this thread may be the truth but it is not the "truth" for all congregations and all pioneers. I have known brothers who have financially supported struggling pioneers, who have gone out of their way to help them continue in their service even to funding the purchase of a car.

    It's very fashionable here to kick JWs, but not all JWs deserve to be kicked!


  • SloBoy

    Island Woman........You said 'sometimes, here on J.W.D. personal experiences are related as if they are the absolute norm, the absolute representation of JW's in all the congregations'....your perception is noted. I don't agree with your sentiments. Since most of us have spent years having our true experiences not only invalidated, but re-defined to fit some make-believe WBTS promo, we find it quite necessary to now at last speak ( or write ) about OUR REALITY. This not only frees us from that weird-ass islolation thing, but also helps us get the bigger picture of whats really going on in this ' spirit directed ' org. My wife pio'ed for 10 years, helped many to 'baptism', and I'm glad she doesn't have testacles or the 'bros' would have kicked them in also.

  • puppylove


    Well, yeah. I feel like I should have expected proof of blessings. There should be proof of blessings. If you make sacrifices for God, you should be able to see how your sacrifices pay off. (This is probably why I don't believe in "God" anymore). I am not trying to sound mercenary, but someone giving me a "pat on the shoulder" would have been nice.

    I must say, though, that this is my thought NOW, not then. Then, I was just happy to be "serving Jehovah" and wasn't on the lookout for any kind of pay back other than bible studies.

  • Bodhisattva

    Lisa's expectation - not to be bathed in luxury, but that some token of appreciation would occasionally present itself - is reasonable. What is unreasonable is IW's latching onto this as in some way unrighteous, while every time our lovely brothers can spare a couple of dollars as if it pays for a days worth of gas in a car probably in need of a full tune-up, pioneers are conditioned to see it as a great blessing from Jehovah.

    Just another situation where the governing body and their organization idol get to have their cake.

    The dog of the dolphins has fins.

  • IslandWoman

    Puppylove, SloBoy, Bodhisattva,

    Are you all saying that the possibility of some congregations showing love to their pioneers and caring for them both emotionally and spirtitually is an impossibility?


  • happy man
    happy man

    I must say this tread is very confusing, when i go inn on this sites, as an ongoing JW, i was expecting peopel who have been doing bad thingsand bee dfd, and young peopel who dont want to bee JW, but what did I find, peopel who have been pinjeringfor several years, elders whohave been in for 30-40 years, ex behelits, i must say i am choched.

    Myself was never pionjering, when i was in US 1969, and 1973,i remember that always young peopel ask me, are you a P, i said now, and then it sem like i was not so important, this i think was a difrence from sweden ,here it never have been like this, perhaps in US, you was on a higer level if you was P.

    sad that so many of you have lost your belife, despit all years in service.

    I find one other thing remarkebel, and it is thay you say we was selling mags, i have never se it this way, i dont sell mags, i talk widh peopel about soloutions on the problems in the world,reading in the bibel, and if they want sure they can get a mag, but never was this the goal.


  • happy man
    happy man

    I forget something, i think it is important who you is youself, we have nice loving pionjer girl, who the familys in the cong give dinner evry day,to help her,, than we have some who insist i must have this this,he dont have so much, understandebal?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    Incense_and_Peppermints......I have an orange, and I know how to use it.

    ***aw. that's so sweet

  • LDH
    I personally know some very fine pioneers who do not think that their service to God should be somehow blessed by help from the congregation.

    LOL, I note with sarcasm that the experiences you relate aren't FIRST-HAND. Like I said, have YOU ever pioneered? Fine if you don't want me to look for some evidence of Jehovah's blessing quit GOD DAMNED preaching about it at assemblies.

    I used to tell my mother that I felt so unappreciated. She quoted me the scripture and told me I was a "Good for nothing slave. What I was doing was what I ought to be doing." Therefore, she told me not to expect anything. This didn't help with the deep feeling of unsatisfaction I had. But of course, I pressed on, content that I was somehow "making Jehovah's heart rejoice" because I was "remembering him in my youth."

    All well and good except for the fact that 98% of the time the CO/DO stayed with my family (by their choice) and my parents gave them their charge cards and said,"Go shopping." (Every time) Of course, with all the 'green handshakes' the Bethelites/CO's/DO's receive, no wonder they talk about "Jah's blessings...that is what makes rich" every damned chance they get.

    Yes, I was living at home. This does not mean I got a free ride. After I preached all day, I went to work for a full shift in the evening. Most times, this meant as an employee of a janitorial service that a local elder owned. My car was in good condition, but used. I had a pioneer car. You know, the practical four door late model sedans. READ: Gas Guzzler. $1 for gas was the standard contribution. This was 15 years ago. I bet it hasn't changed a cent.

    Then, there was the retired psychologist pioneer who bought a 1980 Dodge Colt. Two door. On purpose. She said she didn't intend for her car to be worn into the ground. She never gave gas money. EVER.

    So IW why don't you go start your own thread about the "fine pioneers you have known." I'm sure it will be brimming with tall tales. You say the DB appears to be one-sided. Well DUH there's a reason we are Ex-JWs and not JWs.

    Dutchie, That blows my mind!

    Puppy love and Bodhi are correct in interpreting my words.


    90 hours of #%@$ Class

  • larc

    Island Woman, I don't think anyone is saying that it is not possible that a congregation does help its pioneers. The testimony here does indicate that it is not common. Face it, Island Woman, most pioneers are dirt poor and could alway use some help. To add to the tally, I never got any help, and neither did my sister. She quite pioneering when her last brasierre (sp) wore out.

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