Arrogance at it's Best

by HoChiMin 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • HoChiMin

    Arrogance at it's best

    Most members of Jehovah's Witnesses will tell you "once a baptized witness always a witness" there is no way out . They most likely are referring to the so called knowledge of there "truth" as if the knowledge binds you forever to their rules. The Watchtower now controls your destiny as to any relation you may have with their god. I here this from friends still under Watchtower control all the time. It is interesting how they will tell me "your still a Jovie too" because I might tell someone I was a cult member while in the their presence.( my friends all know my position) Referring to Witnesses as "Jovies'" and a cult will get them riled any time, just try it. The control and conditioning is astounding when you see and here the responses of those still on the fringes. They don't want to be known as witnesses on one hand but if it becomes known in a jesting manner they will make it known that I also am one, Jovie, as if that is some sort of retribution for outing them to a bartender, for an example.

    This is drilled into there heads day after day, "once you have knowledge of Jehovah's laws" you'll be held more accountable or be killed is more accurate, if you disobey. Free will does not exist among the Witness community, you must go by there rules, which are considered direct from god, or you'll be killed.

    So the GB spread a form of arrogance on down through the ranks that is rampant. If they actually had any backing from a divine being, I agree they would be a mighty force to be reckoned with. The average member is indoctrinated to the point they lose sight of the world around them, a good thing in their eyes, sorry to say. The general population does not care about Jehovah's Witnesses, They,JW's, will conclude it is a lack of interest in God. Around the big circular reasoning table it goes, on and on it goes.

    It does not matter to me that other religions , of any size membership, are called a cult or not. That argument is also used "if we're a cult then so and so religion is also a cult" so what! I say Jehovah's Witness are a cult. Because in my limited involvement with other religions I may not be able to assess their beliefs nor do I want to. I was involved for 27 years with a cult and it is some times embarrassing to admit it to others if the subject should come up. I will admit it if it will mean preventing any others from being absorbed by the JW's.


    Edited by - HoChiMin on 18 June 2002 13:20:54

  • dmouse

    Yup. I think what they mean is that once you know the 'truth' tm you will always know it.

    Sort of like knowing the world is a sphere. No matter how much that you then protest that it's flat you still KNOW it's round. So, to a JW, no matter what you say about their false prophecies, misinterpretation of scripture, bad advice, harmful policies and downright kookiness they will just look at you with sad eyes and say to themselves 'ah, but you know it's the Truth'

    To them there is no honourable way out - you are either too weak or too wicked to submit to divine rulership.

    There is no such thing as a genuine grievance against the Society, and to even suggest such an idea is tantamount to sticking your finger up to God Himself.

    How's that for arrogance? Not allowing ANYONE to question the GB because you are questioning God himself! And how could any mere human question God?

    Can anyone spot the fatal flaw in their argument?

  • Francois

    Knowing the truth is supposed to set you free, not bind you hand and foot like a slave to some man-made religious cult with more rules than Carter's got little liver pills.

    I say they're a cult. I can prove it using their own words. And I say fuck 'em.


  • HomebutHiding


    Prove to me they are a cult. Although I am no longer a JW, I do not have the level of hatred, resentment, or bitterness that some have. Up until recently, I have felt it must be a good way of life for some, just not for me. Please prove to me, using their own words that they are a cult.

  • joannadandy

    Sect: Etymology: Middle English secte, from Middle French & Late Latin & Latin; Middle French, group, sect, from Late Latin secta organized ecclesiastical body, from Latin, course of action, way of life, probably from sectari to pursue, frequentative of sequi to follow -- more at SUE
    Date: 14th century
    1 a : a dissenting or schismatic religious body; especially : one regarded as extreme or heretical b : a religious denomination
    2 archaic : SEX 1 <so is all her sect -- Shakespeare>
    3 a : a group adhering to a distinctive doctrine or to a leader b : PARTY c : FACTION

    Cult:Pronunciation: 'k&lt
    Function: noun
    Usage: often attributive
    Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
    Date: 1617
    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

    I know it's semantics, but for the most part witnesses are classified as a sect not a cult, because of their sheer numbers, cults are condsidered to be localized to a small area.

    Also because they are basically an offshoot of christianity they are considered not unorthodox, where as the followers of Corresh are considered a cult, because of small size and Corresh believed he was Jesus. and is considered spurious.

    Again like I said, semantics, for some people they are for sure a cult, according to textbooks they are sect, and still other textbooks consider them a cult...just wanted to pass on some food for thoought.

  • SYN

    Is the fact that they attempt to control what you are allowed to read not enough to define them as a cult? They are a HIGH CONTROL GROUP - they tell you what you can read, what you can do for a living, who you can associate with, etc etc. These are all hallmarks of a cult. I suggest you do some more research on cults in general, and strangely enough, you will see the name Jehovah's Witnesses popping up again and again when reputable researchers investigate cults.

  • joannadandy

    I have seen it printed both ways SYN...

    I guess they didn't have as much control over me as they did others

  • RN


    May I respectfully suggest that you read, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan.

  • BluesBrother

    Far from believing that once captured always kept, the faithful are constantly pressured to maintain "vigilance" to avoid weakening influences so that "You may never drift away" Hebrews 2.vs 1

    But they do believe that one cannot forget the "Truth", perhaps they are right in a way because I will never shed the dominating influence of 40years of my life. - However once you have seen through it , and the veill is lifted, then there is no going back.

    I was always surprised when visiting the ones who had left the cong, when they said "I know that its the truth but..."

    If I did believe that, I would be at the book sudy right now, rather than having a great time conversing with my apostate frends on the net and listening to some ancient Rod Stewart tracks

    As the man says you need a "Reason to believe"

    viva freedom .!!

  • HoChiMin

    Here is an E-mail reply from a lurker, one I was refering to by the way.>

    this is not arrogance, my friend. this is misinformation on your part, you still being a jw has nothing to do what some may view as the truth. you referring to god as jovie is the same as your daddy calling black people spooks. it's obviously an uneducated remark that can be laughed at due to its poor taste. your comments have nothing to do with control by a cult but more about your own disillusionment with 20 yrs. of stupidity. regarding whatever you want to call god's name, if you still believe in him, do you really think that you are clever to make fun of god? you don't think you are doing that?? oh maybe you do it to tease people? whatever....all i can say is that its sad that you being an angry person has to be exclusively blamed on your being a witness.

    > So what do you think of this reply?


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