Golf.....19th hole anyone?

by ISP 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP
    Golf course 'dotted with prostitutes' tents during tournament'

    Police in California who raided a private golf tournament say they found prostitutes' tents dotted around the course.

    They detained over 100 golfers and arrested six others during the raid on the Hidden Valley Golf Club in Norco.

    The Times says an LA restaurant booked the course under the name Golf Ventures, thought to be an alias for its real name.

    As the 100 competitors and 19 women were taken off for questioning, six people were led from the course in handcuffs.

    The club says it is as shocked as police.

    Lisa McConnell of the sheriff's department in Riverside County, east of LA, said: "As part of a golf tournament, sex acts were offered to participants for a fee. There were tents set up around the course where people could pay for sex."

    Club manager Eric Roush said: "The restaurant had a few tournaments here - three or four I would say. We knew nothing about any of this activity."

  • Simon

    So it's not as boring as it looks on TV after all then?!

  • ashitaka

    This is like the golfer's version of 'Undercover Brother', then?

    Where did I leave my putter?


  • ISP

    Simon I know why it takes hours to get round...............


  • Prisca
    As the 100 competitors and 19 women were taken off for questioning, six people were led from the course in handcuffs.

    Err... were these police handcuffs, or ones they were already wearing???

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Illegal hole in ones anyone?

    Guest 77

  • Simon

    c'mon ... someone mention 'balls'

  • simplesally

    Norco? ah, that's where a person can either smell the bull shit or listen to it!

    Norco is famous for 2 things: The JW Assembly Hall and cows. When you travel thru that area you must roll the windows up and still hold your nose. The smell is atrocious.

  • ISP

    If ya balls went in one of those tents you might get a penalty stroke...

    Better off laying up short of the hole so as not to catch anything.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hey! I lived part of my childhood in Norco (California, USA). A famous bumpersticker of the 70's that was seen on a lot of cars begged the question:

    "Where the hell is Norco?!" (BTW: Norco is short for North Corona, a neighboring city)

    For everyones information:

    I went to Norco Jr. High in 7th and 8th grade.

    One of my closest girlfriends graduated from Norco High School.

    It's a great place if one has horses and other farm animals. I did and I loved living there. Horse shows every weekend, riding trails along the streets, riding along the Santa Ana river bed in the afternoons.

    As for smell, well, maybe there is a slight smell, but I think that it certainly isn't that bad. In fact, I was there a few months ago and didn't smell anything atrocious. I live in Palm Springs now, and I would certainly notice any offending odor. Neighboring Mira Loma and all it's dairies smell much worse. I suppose because I have many happy memories of Norco I'm a bit defensive with people snickering about it.

    However, I did catch on the evening new about the tents that are set up along the course when private tournaments are being held. Sheesh! I didn't even know they had a golf course! Well, they certainly picked a good place to build one. There would be no problem obtaining plenty of fertilizer for the grass.


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