complete Fluff, for cooks

by Celia 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia

    ok, ladies and gents, mostly americans...

    tell me : what did I do wrong ?

    I tried for the first time in my life to make Fried Chicken

    marinated the pieces in Buttermilk, dredged the pieces in flour in which I added salt and pepper and some paprika.....

    dumped the pieces in hot boiling oil.... and....

    the coating stuck to the bottom of the pan, so the whole point of Fried Chicken, the crusty outside was gone !

  • Valis

    celia...first, the oil was too hot and you probably didn't have enough in the pan to immerse the chicken properly....try something deeper too.. second, one thing to do is put an beaten egg w/your milk or buttermilk. then apply the wash first, then the flour/salt/pepper/paprika, then again in the egg/milk mixture, then in the flower again. Then put the chicken in the fridge and let if get nice and cold.....that's how the big places get really crunchy chicken...also, play around w/different batter mixtures till you get it right


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 16 June 2002 19:29:4

  • ISP

    No can eat the stuff seperately IMO. Fried coating and fried chicken is fine. Coating that sticks to the chicken is for smart asses. Keep up the good home cooking.


    PS Do you use the smoke detector to tell you something is cooked?

  • Celia

    Wow ! Valis, Thanks !

    I did put the chicken first in the buttermilk, then in the flour, then again in the buttermilk then back in the flour, and directly in the hot oil.... All receipes say that after dredging the chicken in the flour it should be put immediately in the oil --- How do you test if your oil is too hot ?

    Southerners, where are you ? Joy2BFree ?

  • Valis

    take a small piece of chicken fat or meat and put it in the wash and flour..put it in the oil and see how fast it cooks...does it brown slowly or get dark and blackened in several minutes? Should be hot and popping,but not smoking at all...


    District Overbeer

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    After double dipping the chicken I brown the chicken pieces in a medium hot pan then turn and brown on all sides. Then I put them on a drip pan and bake for an hour - cuts down on the grease/fat/oil

    When my sweet tooth is acting up I pour honey over the chicken about 10 minutes before it is done.

    I also do the same with pork chops and some steaks and liver - yes I said liver - the coating keeps it tender and juicy so yuo're not eating leather

  • LB

    My chicken turns out perfect every single time...

    But here is the copycat receipe for KFC

    * Exported from MasterCook *

    KFC Fried Chicken

    Recipe By :
    Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00
    Categories : Chicken Poultry

    Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
    -------- ------------ --------------------------------
    1 Broiler-fryer -- cut up
    3 cups Water
    1 tablespoon Salt
    2 teaspoons Fines herbs
    2 teaspoons Onion powder
    2 packages Instant chicken broth
    2 teaspoons Seasoned salt
    1/4 teaspoon Seasoned pepper
    1 cup Flour

    Cover chicken with mixture of water and salt. Chill in bowl for at least 1
    hr. Whirl herbs; onion powder, seasoned salt,instant chicken broth, and
    pepper in blender. Combine with flour mixture while still wet until
    thickly coated with flour. Melt enough shortening or salad oil to make 1"
    depth large skillet. Heat to 375. Fry chicken pieces, turning once, 5 min.
    on each side. Lift, drain on paper towels. When pieces are fried, drain
    fat from skillet. Add one cup chicken broth to skillet, add chicken
    pieces, cover skillet. Cook 15 min. or until fork tender. This is a recipe
    entitled "Marie Walsh's Kentucky Fried Chicken". I copied it out of a
    magazine several years ago and have used it often. WALLACE LELAND
    (CGVH43A) (wrv)

  • animal

    I like my chicken boneless....

  • Imbue

    Add salt to the oil first and make sure it is hot..

  • joannadandy

    some stickage to the panage is bound to happen, maybe you left them too long on one side, and the oil was too hot?

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