50 years today

by Lady Lee 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Waiting email sent

    and if you keep this up I will soon be older than you

    and happy birthday to all the rest of you who are turning 50 this year

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Back to the serious stuff

    I have been out of the borg for 17 years now. My first contact with them was way back in 1963. In the interveneing years the WT has grown phenominally. But so have the failed prophesies, the cover-ups and lying to protect themselves and the scandals that are breaking into the media with more to come. They will call it persecution blindly avoiding seeing that justice demands its due. The leadership will refuse to bow to public pressure and will maintain that they are still God's chosen although imperfect. True followers will hold to the party line and close their eyes and hearts to goodness and justice.

    But... many will leave. And fewer will join. We can thank the internet for that and all those individuals who took one step in another direction. That one step freed them from the WT slavery. Years ago those who left were on their own. No JWs to talk to and no outsiders they knew for support. The internet changes that. Those who have left are talking to others who have left. Individually each has taken that step in a new direction. Together they will create a wave of discontent that will demand goodness and justice from an organization that proclaims itself God's only true religion. The recovery movement for ex-JWs has started and it is gaining new members every day.

    Some days I feel a lot of anger towards the WT org. And it is well deserved. Sometimes I forget who is to blame and throw my anger at the individuals who as just as caught as I once was. That is not good or just. I work on tempering that anger and making sure it is directed towards those who deserve it. The puppet-masters themselves and their lawyers too at this point.

    In the end I doubt any one person will bring the WT down. Not even a group or the loud cry of the victims themselves. That just is not the way abusers either as individuals or as a group function. They will continue to be and do what they have always been - secret holders and liars. They will not change.

    But if I share my story and you share yours and the next person shares theirs eventually the individuals will leave and be freed. One by one on the outside helping one by one on the inside

  • waiting

    Hey Lee,

    I'm at work - and when I take a break, I go by my computer & sit a minute - and click on. I haven't got time to respond seriously to your post........but I have read it.

    Many good observations to ponder on. Thanks for the cool post - as usual.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    thank you waiting

    Just joined my first 50+ club

  • myself

    Lady Lee

    A belated Happy Birthday!!!

    I am sorry I missed this post earlier. I haven't been on much in the past few days. I hope you had a great day.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    hi there myself - thanks

  • bigfloppydog

    A BIG HAPPY 'B DAY' TO YOU 50 For me was 9 months ago. Have a great day.

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