50 years today

by Lady Lee 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I am 50 years old today. The world is a very different place from the one I was born into.

    I have been witness to the beginnings of television and the explosion in communications; cell phones and computers. Man has gone into space and landed on the moon and seen the world from a perspective that has never occurred before in the history of humankind. We now have remote controls and microwave ovens, Velcro and Teflon, pantyhose, credit cards and digital everything.

    Over the last 50 years medicine has seen major progress in some areas, the end of polio, test-tube babies, genetics and cloning. We have implants for the deaf and the blind and for heart patients. Medications are administered frequently with a patch on the skin. We have laser surgery and CAT scans and the Pill. We also have AIDS.

    I have seen the changes brought about by the sexual revolution, the Womens Movement, Black Rights and Aboriginal Rights. I watched in horror when the Kennedys and King were assassinated. I grew up in the age of the Elvis and the Beatles and Rock and Roll. I was witness to the Vietnam war and the 9-11 disaster.

    All of these have had major impacts on the way we live today. It is indeed a very different world from the one I was born into.

    One other change that has occurred in the world that hits close to home for me is the Recovery Movement. I have been involved both professionally and personally. When I was young problems in the family were a secret. One never spoke about alcoholism or wife beating or sexual abuse and rape. Parents quietly warned children of the dangers of the men in cars offering candy and to watch out for "Uncle" but never really said why. Family problems were whispered about and kept hidden from outsiders. People who went for therapy were obviously sick and no one would admit they had to seek counseling.

    Yes the world is a different place. Thousands of victims of abuse have come forward. They have spoken out about the betrayal of trust and the hurt imposed upon them. As a result the world has been forced to acknowledge the problem and deal with it. A wide variety of support groups exist as one method for survivors to get the help they need. AA, NA, ACOA, GA. OEA, ASOAA, therapy groups and individual counseling and on and on. It is no longer shameful to admit that you have been hurt. It is no longer shameful to get the help you need. And it is no longer shameful to talk about it.

    As little as 15 years ago when I started this journey of recovery people would shrink back when I mentioned abuse. Now I most likely get the response "Me too." In a way it is sad there are so many of us.

    But there is power and strength in numbers. Every change in society starts with one person, one idea, one small change in a new direction. Collectively we can do what one cannot do alone. But each one must take that step in a new direction. That is what got us to the moon. That is what will help us create a safer world for the future

    Edited by - Lady Lee on 15 June 2002 9:38:42

  • Celia

    Happy Birthday Lady Lee !

    I'll join you soon over the hill.....

  • Dutchie

    Happy Birthday, Lady Lee, You've reached an important milestone !

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks for the good wishes I do appreciate it as well as the wishes in the thread for that

    Getting to 50 is an accomplishment. So many never made it out of the borg. I just read the post of a young man committing suicide. It reminds me of my aunt who drowned because she could not handle the abuse in her young life and the shame from the borg.

    Suzanne would be 50 this year too. She was 6 weeks older than me. She died when we were 12.

  • Sentinel

    ...And, today is the first day for the rest of your life!

    It only gets better and better. Have a wonderful Birthday.

    Accept gifts, let friends sing happy birthday to you, party hearty, and "just put the head on the platter" in the corner for later.

    "Remember to forget"...


  • Been there
    Been there

    Happy Birthday to you.

    Happy Birthday to you.

    Happy Birthday dear Lady Lee,

    Happy Biiiiiiiiiiiirthday tooooooo yoooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And many more.

    KY Been

  • Dogpatch

    Thank you Lady Lee,

    I'll join you soon in July. I agree, and I beleive the world has changed into a much better place to live. Doom and gloom scenarios are only for those who cannot see the end of their days in peace. Let them frown all day if they want to, we are working for a better life!


    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!


  • Been there
    Been there

    Ya know I just got to thinking I've not had a birthday party since I was 3. I've had cakes but I've never had

    a party. When I turn 50 (4 yrs) I think I'll throw me a BIG one.

    I went to one party as a JW kid. My granny was out of town and my worldly aunt let me go to my friends

    Birthday party when I was 8. I always remember how much fun that was.

    KY Been

  • ISP

    WTG Lady Lee........have a good one!


  • anewlife


    I'm glad to be able to say this to you. I also want to say I've enjoyed reading some of your posts. If we ever met and you were to tell me about being abused....I also would be one who would respond, "Me too!" It's nice to "know" you. I'm happy you have sought out the counsel and therapy much needed by those of us who have been abused. I am doing the same and it is very, very beneficial.

    Enjoy your next 50 to the fullest!!


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