Early Morning Informal Witnessing, Yay!!

by kairos 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    Yeah, I remember us going to the laundry mat at 8:45 to "start our time" before going to the Kingdom Hall to meet for service.  The unwritten rule was that you couldn't start counting time until 9:15 or 9:30 or whenever it was you left the Kingdom Hall to start service, but if you "started" your time early, the clock could keep going until we met back at the Kingdom Hall at noon.  You could eek out another 30 minutes to an hour by doing the laundry mat trick.

    That is a true sign that we hated what we did.  We did everything we could to eek out extra time instead of doing actual witnessing!  I'm so glad I'm out!

  • wannaexit

    On Saturday mornings, a sister would pick me up at 5:00 am so we could do go to a local market to stand with our mags. Then she would drop me off at 9:00 at my work and she would continue to the service arrangement. 

    On Mondays it was the marathon day. Start you time at 8:00 am and continued until late into the evening

    i feel a little vomit coming up 

  • flipper


     KAIROS- Great job at trying to get this young guy to think and ponder.  I have had JW's run away from me as well- even when I have hardly opened up my mouth, just  trying to say hello ! LOL ! They must think they're going to catch some " mental disease " from me or something. But I've been able to have conversations for up to an hour before. One time when I was pumping gas these 2 JW lady's tried witnessing to me and I tried giving them information. They actually listened but I don't know how much sank in. Time will tell for each circumstance. Good job. Glad you took advantage of the opportunity ! Take care, we'll talk soon on the phone

  • kairos

    I remember this one time I was trying to place a magazine with someone pumping gas here in my home town. Maybe 15 years ago.

    He started laughing manically and even stated very loudly as I walked away:
    "You'd have to be on acid to believe that!!!" 

    I should have listened.

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