Questions about WT illustrations

by Beck_Melbourne 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • belbab

    With all those animals lolling about on the grass, who picks up the doggy doo, lion doo, cattle doo? Seems we would always be stepping in it.


  • terafera
    Yes there will be erections but they will be used to hammer the nails into your new home.

    OH my God ...LOLOLOLOLOLOL.... I just spit water all over my screen! time give me some warning!

    Too funny!!!!

  • LDH

    The other **mind blowing* issue when it comes to those pics:

    WHY DON'T the sisters ever wear pants?!?!?

    and after ONE picture in a couple of issues where she was wearing pants (they changed it if I'm correct):

    What is the big deal?

    Does anyone remember the illustration in the Live Forever book that was changed? If you have one of the originals look for the chapter on family life. The wife was seductively (well as seductive as the WT could make her look) posing on the bed with a flimsy robe on.

    The pic was immediately changed. I think to a man sitting in a chair and a woman sitting on the floor next to him, looking at him adoringly.

    It reminded me of these song lyrics "Put another log on the fire" I think Waylon Jennings remade it.

    Put Another Log On The Fire

    IPut another log on the fire
    Cook me up some bacon and some beans,
    Go out to the car and change the tires,
    Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans;
    (C'mon baby, you can)
    Fill my pipe and then go fetch my slippers,
    And boil me up another pot of tea.
    Then put another log on the fire, babe
    And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

    IIWell, don't I let you wash the car on Sunday?
    And don't I warn you when you're getting fat?
    And ain't I gonna take you fishin' someday?
    Well, a man can't love a woman more than that.
    And ain't I always nice to your kid sister?
    Well don't I take her drivin' every night?
    So sit there at my feet 'cause I like you when you're sweet
    And you know that it's not feminine to fight

    IIIPut another log on the fire
    Cook me up some bacon and some beans,
    Go out to the car and change the tires,
    Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans;
    (C'mon baby, you can)
    Fill my pipe and then go fetch my slippers,
    And boil me up another pot of tea.
    Then put another log on the fire, babe
    And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

    (Tompall Glaser)



    Not submissive class

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    About ten to fifteen miles from my old congregation sits this beautiful downtown area...Gorgeous antebellum homes on a massive oak lined drive that probably runs for fifteen miles. These homes are just amazing. So amazing in fact, that many of the sisters at my old hall used to 'joke' that when the new system arrived they were making a claim on some of those homes. This went on for so long that our PO one day from the podium made the comment that Armageddon did not include a 'land rush' for homes that we want. You should have seen the faces on some of those elder's wives that night. Absolutely priceless!


  • HomebutHiding

    I have been trying to post a response for a number of new at this, and I can't seem to get through. My point is moot now, since the topic is pushed all the way back to page...what...497??? Just trying to come aboard....

  • Prisca

    Hi HbH,

    Don't be worried about how far back some threads go. So many are added each day, it's inevitable that some threads get pushed to the back.

    So go ahead, write your thoughts, we won't bite - unless you want us to!

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    The drawings are totally wrong....why aren't they naked? Isn't that how mankind was at it's start, and isn't that what WT tells people we will eventually be, right where we started? Hmmm.....

  • terafera

    Good ole email reminders! I almost forgot about this thread....

    PLH, I love those lyrics!! My father loved Waylon Jennings, and now I know why. Priceless.

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