Questions about WT illustrations

by Beck_Melbourne 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    When I was a kid....I used to look at the WT illustrations of paradise conditions and would day dream about life in the new system....I later used this same technique (shame on me) to brain wash bible students. I grew up LOL (apparently!) the illustrations changed....and became more modern. I started noticing things that made me question life in the new system with questions like:

    1. If the animals are going to be tame in the new system...why do the illustrations always have animals fenced in?

    2. The grass was always a nice how are the lawns kept trim? Machinery operated by gasoline or manual? Where does the gasoline come from? Where do the machinery parts come from? Factories?

    3. Will there be factories? Who would work in them? Would you volunteer to work in a factory or would you be called up for service? Where does the pollution from the factory go? Why arent there any factories in the illustrations?

    4. Would everyone be vegetarian? Why dont the pictures with food in the new system never show a platter with roast beef next to the grapes?

    5. Would everyone be naked like Adam and Eve? If no, where would the fabric for the clothes come from? Factories? (Please see question 3)

    6. Where do the plastic/glass cooking utensils come from (ie. bowls, cups etc)? Factories? (Please see question 3)

    I have more...but they get even please add your own questions if you had any. OR...please advise me with the answers to the above! Thanks


  • terafera

    Hey Beck! Good to see ya! I always enjoy your posts.

    Dang girl, you sure did have alot of time on your hands! LOL Inquiring minds wanna know! Actually, I thought some of the very things that you did... what always got me was, they would tell you how we would be able to learn about ANYTHING, do deep research on any hobby we had, travel...yet in every damn picture there would be a couple with plain clothes, picking apples and their kids with a basket of vegetables! I used to tell my parents,'But I dont want to pick vegetables and apples every day! I also wondered how would we travel, without airplanes that pollute the skies.
    When I was little I would try to picture myself there.. a big house, nice yard, and sitting there, bored as hell and picking apples. A sister once told me that there would be daily meetings to serve Jehovah. I remember thinking,'oh great! As if 3 nights a week wasnt bad enough!'

    Edited by - terafera on 12 June 2002 23:36:18

  • KistByQpid

    Hi Beck,

    I know what you mean about the illustrations. Whacked. Don't know about you gals...but can you imagine Paradise = ugly floral dresses and heels? Weird.

  • terafera

    lmbue, as an 'amateur' artist, I love to draw, paint and write children's stories. I know what you mean! The pictures have no sense of motion and do not pull you into the page.

    I totally get what you're saying!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Beck,

    It's REAL good to see you posting, I've been misiing you lately. Or it it just that I've been unplugged for a while?

    Anyway, as far as the illustrations...what can you say? Idealistic? But I've got two questions on them. Not new questions. I had them years ago.

    1. Why are there NO ROADS? What's so sinful about a road???

    2. Why do families always seem to have a mum, dad and two children, boy and girl? Is it the all-American family dream, or something? Why are they usually white?

    It's all part of what Ray Franz termed the "spiritual materialism" of what the WTS is holding out to people.

    Cheers, Ozzie (of the truth in advertising class)

    Edited by - ozziepost on 13 June 2002 4:30:9

  • TheOldHippie

    "Oh, don't take that upper road - you know it leads to nowhere". (from a late 60s then-famous song/tune) So, roads, you see, are one of the most efficient tools Satan ever invented.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    G'day Oz

    I used to think that they had no roads because they had no motocars...I remember seeing tractors and farm machinery but no cars....strange that. And the family was made up of mom, dad and kids and a pet...but i think they used variations of families...either way it was as u say 'spiritual materialism'...dangling that spiritual carrot - especially when they went from black and white to colour.


  • SYN

    Well, it's pretty pointless to speculate about the rabid fantasies of Rutherford et. al, but for the record I was very disturbed by the thought of not being able to "roll in the hay" for all of eternity! UGH! I'd shoot myself! Also, yeah, please, singing "We're Jehovah's Witnesses" for the millionth time doesn't sound like an exciting way to spend eternity either

  • teenyuck

    Two things....

    1. Will humans poop and pee? If so, why? Where? Who is going to clean it up? If we were created in God'd image, do think he does? Where? Are those ASS-Troids, really just that?

    2. My mother insists that she has the Art Institute of Chicago staked out as her new home. She apparently got into a discussion with other dubs on where they would live after the big A and said she has dibs on the famous Muesum. (she is kinda "artsy")

    I had to laugh and ask all of the questions listed by all of you. She got mad at me and hung up.



    ...Get ready to wipe yer asses with leaves. We shoulda' joined the scouts to learn more about the "new system." Yes there will be erections but they will be used to hammer the nails into your new home.


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