DEAR WTS, I love your new director.......

by deddaisy 45 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Another example of gross hypocrisy - do they honestly think that these type of things will never be discovered? Unbelievable. I suppose their excuse is that the shares were donated as gifts and through wills etc, yet surely they should not accept them if they are not appropriate to the teachings of the organisation. If they stood by their beliefs and teachings these shares should not be owned, not even accepted as gifts. All about money as usual I suppose. As ever. $$$$$$$$$

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Does that say that FOUR people each own more than 50% of the company?

    Is this a division of ENRON?

  • blondie

    Actually, Yerusalim, JWs were reminded at the DC that they are not pacifists because JWs support theocratic war.

    *** g97 5/8 22 The

    Bible's Viewpoint/Totally Opposed to War

    Were the ancient Christian doctrine and the whole spirit of the Gospel really pacifist, however? Could early Christians truly be described as pacifists, as defined previously? No! Why not? For one thing, they recognized God's right to wage war. (Exodus 14:13, 14; 15:1-4; Joshua 10:14; Isaiah 30:30-32) Besides that, they never disputed Gods right to authorize ancient Israel to fight for him when that nation served as his sole instrument on earth.Psalm 144:1; Acts 7:45; Hebrews 11:32-34.

    God has not only a right but also an obligation on the basis of justice to remove wicked people from the earth. Many evildoers will never respond to Gods patient appeals to them to mend their ways. (Isaiah 45:22; Matthew 7:13, 14) Gods toleration of evil has limits. (Isaiah 61:2; Acts 17:30) Christians, therefore, recognize that in the end God will forcibly remove evil people from the earth. (2 Peter 3:9, 10) As the Bible foretells, this will be at "the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus."2 Thessalonians 1:6-9.

    The last book of the Bible describes this conflict as "the war of the great day of God the Almighty," or Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14, 16) It says that Jesus Christ will take the lead in this, that he "carries on war in righteousness." (Revelation 19:11, 14, 15) Jesus Christ is rightly called the "Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) But he is not a pacifist. He has already fought a war in heaven to clear it of all Gods rebellious enemies. (Revelation 12:7-9) Soon he will fight another war "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth." However, his followers on earth will take no part in that divine judgment.Revelation 11:17, 18.

    True Christians love peace. They stay completely neutral in the worlds military, political, and ethnic conflicts. But, strictly speaking, they are not pacifists. Why? Because they welcome Gods war that will finally enforce his will on eartha war that will settle the great issue of universal sovereignty and rid the earth of all enemies of peace once and for all.Jeremiah 25:31-33; Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10.

    Edited by - Blondie on 12 June 2002 13:59:34

  • sf

    Good work deddaisy!

    Has anyone else noticed how the actual share percentage keeps fluctuating?

    What does that mean?


  • bonovox

    Because they welcome Gods war that will finally enforce his will on eartha war that will settle the great issue of universal sovereignty and rid the earth of all enemies of peace once and for all.Jeremiah 25:31-33; Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10.

    Well there's the answer boys and girls...true Christians will rejoice at God's war, and Regi Inc is only doing what they can to help out! LOL

    Sounds all good to me...NOT!

    This is insane, I cant believe it...not that I ever believed in going to war anyways, but good lord the hypocrisy of it!

  • Dutchie

    LOL@Nathan Natas. Enron or the Producers, eh Nathan?

    You tell 'em dedaisy!

  • SYN

    Nathan: HEHEHEHEHE! Just what I was thinking! Seriously, WTF is up with those figures? Does the Tower have a controlling interest?

  • AngryXJW

    When the LEGITIMATE UN-NGO SCANDAL was being uncovered, several folks here were telephoning Brooklyn and UNDPI, and then posting those contacts' responses.

    According to prior posts (this issue is brought up so often I don't know whether to call it a monthly or weekly repeat), this issue has been around for several years.

    IF THIS IS A LEGITIMATE SCANDAL, why has noone telephoned the WTS or any of the involved Corps to get to the bottom of this?

    Could it be fear of discovering "truth"?

  • deddaisy

    "IF THIS IS A LEGITIMATE SCANDAL, why has noone telephoned the WTS or any of the involved Corps to get to the bottom of this?"

    right.....that's the way to get to the "bottom of it," call the WTS......I did, in fact, call Mr. Robertson, before I found financial statements, and he put me on hold until I hung up, three times.....odd behavior for a president of a company.........besides, if I'm not mistaken, it's the WTS, not me, that should be concerned with explaining why their "Godly" organization's name is on the SEC Filing.....oh, but wait, then they'd have to actually admit to something.......Scandal? uhhmmmm, is that what this is?

    "Could it be fear of discovering "truth"?"

    yea, that must be it.......all the business wires, all the SEC Filings, all the financial disclosures, everything and everyone is in error, oh except for the WTS.......

    "REGI US is the Corporation contracting with the US military, and the WTS DOES NOT own any REGI US stock."

    How's your "reading comprehension?" I suggest you return to the first post and read REGI U.S.'s SEC Filing.........

    "Thus far, REGI US has lost money every year it has existed."

    I have to tell you, my heart is's strange that you're so familiar with Regi's profit for every year that they've "existed,"let me see, how many years would that be, but somehow you miss seeing Watchtower Society listed as an owner.........

    Edited by - deddaisy on 12 June 2002 18:59:5

  • LDH

    "Thus far, REGI US has lost money every year it has existed."

    This statement, in and of itself, proves nothing. has also lost money every year it has existed but is still worth BILLIONS.

    And, if they are actually KEEPING it to show a loss on their books, well that wouldn't surprise me either.

    What I AM interested in however,why doesn't the WBTS just sell said portion or stock? Is there some agreement?

    I know some wills can be written which will state "Bob gets so and so as long as he doesn't do so and so he can keep it."

    Could this be the case?


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