by D8TA 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I thought of another idea if you decide agaisnt the clown attire. Go to an old thrift shop and buy an outrageus polyester suit,, the kind with big white stitching , the cheaper the suit the better. You know the kind from back in the 70's , find a bright orange or green one. You can even find a wig that would look more "natural", but still just as hideous if not worse. Like one with big tall hair,John Travolta in his disco days, even a small but tasteful 70's afro. You could even take your old pink song book and green bible....

  • amac

    That sounds funny! I would definitely be discreet until you get to your seat though, as you probably won't make it that far if you walk in with the wig on or some outlandish attire. Same with the sign, you should probably use some type of fold up that can fit in a book bag.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    How about a JW.COM sign and just walk about all day...the advertising would reach thousands-imagine the hits when they get back home!!!PLEASE??!!

  • LDH

    Saltiest, do you think your post could be part of the reason D8TA doesn't want to use newbies?

    Please edit your reply NOW.


  • DanTheMan

    Instead of John 3:16, why not Matthew 24:45? That is the most important scripture in JW-land. Maybe the sarcasm wouldn't be lost on all...

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