by Legendary U.2.K. 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JosephMalik

    Prehaps we should all keep silent and just let them get on with it?


    Keeping silent is not an option. The responsibility of being a disciple is: 1 Corinthians 9:14 Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

    And along with such preaching we must expose error like this: Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

    The Watchtower stands accursed on this board in accordance with this and other sacred texts, thanks to the preaching being done here. So silence is not an optionU2k.


  • Farkel

    : I'm not a Witness and i dont Wanna be one,

    Then shut the hell up.


  • AjaxMan
    : I'm not a Witness and i dont Wanna be one,

    Then U.2.K., why are your reasons for being in this board if you are not a Witness and don't wanna be one?

    Also, as you're telling us that no matter what the JWs did to us, we have to put it to pass. My question is Why are you not a witness and you don't want to be one either?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    Why do almost 70% of the members who post here, Put down the Witness? I'm not a Witness and i dont Wanna be one, But Whatever the Witness did to y'all, just put Whatever in the pass, and look towards God's promises, and Also look forward to Christ promises, and Remember that, Aint nobody perfect, because We all is imperfect & full of Sin......

    here's why:

    The cruelest lies are often told in silence.
    R.L. Stevenson, Truth of Intercourse 1879

    "Silence gives consent."
    Goldsmith, Oliver, The Good Natured Man

    "Silence is the virtue of fools."
    -- Francis Bacon

    "When the eagles are silent the parrots begin to jabber."
    -- Winston Churchill

    "Silence is foolish if we are wise, but wise if we are foolish."
    -- Charles Caleb Colton

    baby, we wised up a long time ago, don't you get it? the most powerful tool cults and abusers have is the silence of those they victimize. they can't stand knowing the rest of the world they're trying to recruit would find out what they're really about. which is why they brand people who escape their clutches 'apostates', and why they forbid any contact with them, and why they teach them to hate us. does that answer your question? have a happy day. don't be late for your meeting...

  • cyrano

    Hey U.2.K..

    Since you are not a Jehovah's Witness and have never been one, let me give you a clue.

    First of all, who the hell are you to tell victims of this cult what they should do? You don't have the slightest clue what people here have had to suffer through and still continue to go through hell. You don't have a damn clue what it's like to have been in the grip of this cult.

    Some victims have lost children, broken marriages, careers, families destroyed, and lives ruined all because of this dangerous cult that continues to wreak havoc upon unsuspecting vulnerable and innocent people around the world.

    It is our right to express our anger, a valid emotion toward these liars and expose their deciet to warn others. It also helps to vent steam which is a healing process.

    So, unless you are here to learn or help, I suggest you take a long hike.

    Edited by - cyrano on 9 June 2002 14:35:30

  • obiwan

    When you have been in then out you'll know why.If you can't take the put downs,then go to a different site,when you lose a family you will know

    the hurt involved.

  • SpiceItUp

    Hey...If you have any ideas on HOW to put it all behind I am more than welcome to listen. But since you aren't one you don't know what its like to try and figure out who you are after growing up in a childhood that is very murky and unforgiving. I would love to go my merry way but since the rest of my family is still in it I can't. After all there is no way I would quit speaking to my family just because of what they believe in. That would put me down to all JW levels.

  • larc


    I agree with Farkle on this one. Just shut up and sit down. You have nothing to contribute, so just stay out of it.
    What is wrong with you boy? Don't you have better things to do than coming here and asking really dumb questions? If you feel like it, tell us a little bit about your source and origin of your stupidity and ignorance. I would give us great delight.

  • ThatSucks

    I would assume larc, that your post above is to be considered sarcasm. Surely you have not stuped to this level.

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