by Legendary U.2.K. 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legendary U.2.K.
    Legendary U.2.K.

    Why do almost 70% of the members who post here, Put down the Witness? I'm not a Witness and i dont Wanna be one, But Whatever the Witness did to y'all, just put Whatever in the pass, and look towards God's promises, and Also look forward to Christ promises, and Remember that, Aint nobody perfect, because We all is imperfect & full of Sin......



    Hey man...don't let your mind wander (it's much to small to be out alone)

  • dustrabbit

    Hey, Gang! let's take a vote on Legdenary U2K:
    Is s/he/it (shit!) a:

    A. Troll
    B. A JW spying on us
    C. Dyslexic
    D. An idiot
    E. All of the above
    F. None of the above...we can't even classify such an ignoramous!

    Remember kiddies, voting closes this next Saurday...get you votes in!
    the dustrabbit
    p.s. I vote "E"

    To do list:
    1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.


    E E E E E E

  • StinkyPantz

    Umm... isn't the name of this board "jehovah's witness discussion"? Am I right? If so shouldn't we be talking about JW related stuff? And if we don't like certain aspects of JWism shouldn't we discuss it here on the :"jehovah's witness discussion" board? If I'm misunderstanding something please let me know.


    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • cornish

    Legendary U.2.K.

    As far as I am concerned I dont want my life revolving around the Jehovahs Witnesses now that I have left,I have many other things in life which I am occupied with.
    So why do I bother posting the wrongs of that religious movement?

    Prehaps we should all keep silent and just let them get on with it?

    The process of being in a control group and actually comming out is a very traumatic unique experience,like coming from a point of a sort of slavery to freedom,we can meet here with others who know exactly what we have been through,and it does help the healing process and emotional scars,still, most of us are still affected in some way even though we have left because of the watchtower policy of shunning which has osstracised us from family members,also the Watchtower policy on blood for instance mean that many inocent are suffering due to the ignorance through deciet that the Watchtower produces which costs lives including that of children,should we keep quiet about that?

    You know the saying,'Where good men keep silent evil prospers,'well,due largely to the part of exposure through the internet the Watchtower has been exposed as a fraud and not what it claims to be,ie 'Gods Mouthpiece,'and many have been helped to see through the con and illusion and be fred from this cult,exposure to the truth is a cults worst enemy,and many members of the public who are potential recruits have taken a second look at this religion due to the efforts of many ex JWs and some who have never been JWs but have taken the trouble to find out the full story,hence in many lands the JWs see zero or negative growth.
    This religion wrecks lives and families and every one prevented from going down the JW path has been saved a lot of potential trauma.

    Of course nobody is perfect and I dont expect perfection from any individual witness or otherwise.But exposure of a control organization? That is surely a good thing,provided it is not an obsession,to the point of preventing normal day today interests and activities,and moving on with life generally.

  • Simon

    He is welcome to his opinion. It would be better to explain why we think he is mistaken / wrong / incorrect rather than just attacking him as this makes it look like he has a point that we can't answer. I'm sure that is the impression that a visitor would get.

    The fact is Legendary U.2.K. that while we may want to put things in the past, it is the WTS that will not let us:

    Anytime they may decide to pull us in and DF us, thus putting us through unwanted emotional stress for no reason.

    The way we were brought up still has a big influence on our life, like it of not.

    Many of us still feel the aftershocks of being associated with the WTS because of family breakup etc... Much of it due to the shunning rules.

    People want some closure and justice.

  • avengers

    Leave it up to Jehovah to settle it? Yeah right.

  • DakotaRed

    Ask yourself, U2K, why doesn't the Watchtower and it's followers just leave us alone? I was perfectly content to just fade away, but they wouldn't let it happen. Even after I DA'd myself to escape their influence and harrassment, they kept it up with the wife and step-kids. Now, we are split and they are now happy. Until a few months ago when I first starting posting here, I didn't really speak out against the JWs. But, they continually spoke out against me simply because I chose to no longer belong to the religion. When I objected to any of them coming inside my home and shunning me and expressed a desire that they at least offer me a simple cordial greeting, they stopped coming by and visiting the wife, all the while telling her how horrible I was for demanding they associate with me. They even expected me to make myself scarce within my own home when they came by. And still, I was supposed to ensure the family had enough money to drop in their contribution boxes.

    You ask why? That is why. How can you put something behind you when they are constantly throwing it in your face?

  • SYN

    U2K: We cannot put it in the past, because they are MURDERERS and ABUSERS and need to be stopped before it's too late.

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