You mentioned that some people question my credentials. I know you don't, by the way.
Well here they are:
Carl L Thornton
PhD, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
Major: Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Minor: Clinical Pshychology
Research Mentor: Gerald V. Barrett
Clinical Mentor: Edwin Wagner - worked in his private practice for four years.
Reseach: 25 publications between the ages of 26 and 35, look it up
License: Ohio and Michigan - call the state capital in Lansing and Columbus if you want to know.
National Licensing Exam: Scored at the 85th percentile compared to other PhD's.
Last Two Jobs: Director of Training and Education for the Engineering and Manufacturing Division of NCR Corp.
Full, tenured professor of Ogranizational Behavior - Kettering University - Flint, Michigan 1985-1999.
Research in progress:
1. Reliability and Error Components Of Cognitive and Personality Tests - to be submitted to Educational and Psychological Measurements.
2. Three Moderators of Manager's Appraisals" Type of Reliability, Appraisal Method, and
Appraisee's Job Level - to the Journal of Applied Psychology.
3. The Relationship Between Four Measures Of Reliability - to the Journal of Applied Psychology
4. How Accurate are you appraisals? - to an HRM journal.
5. The Reliability of Peer, Subordinate, and Self Appraisals - to Journal of Applied Psychology
6. The Relationship Between the Number of Job Dimensions and the Reliability of Overall Performance Appraisal Ratings - to Personnel Psycholoy.
7. The Basics of Meta-Analysis - to Sage Publishing.
As soon as any of the seven above hit print, I will let all of you know.
If anyone needs any more information regarding my credentials, I will be happy to supply it. For those who question my age and/or intelligence, young puppies, I doubt that you will be able to understand what I have written, either what I wrote at the age of 31 or at the age of 61.
Of particular interest are two articles I wrote in my late 20's, Quantitative Methods of Determining D Prime in Signal Detection Theory, and The Use of Recipricals in Timed Versus Untimed Tests. You also might like, IQ, Question or Answer?