A note to Hillary

by larc 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    You mentioned that some people question my credentials. I know you don't, by the way.

    Well here they are:

    Carl L Thornton
    PhD, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
    Major: Industrial/Organizational Psychology
    Minor: Clinical Pshychology
    Research Mentor: Gerald V. Barrett
    Clinical Mentor: Edwin Wagner - worked in his private practice for four years.
    Reseach: 25 publications between the ages of 26 and 35, look it up
    License: Ohio and Michigan - call the state capital in Lansing and Columbus if you want to know.
    National Licensing Exam: Scored at the 85th percentile compared to other PhD's.
    Last Two Jobs: Director of Training and Education for the Engineering and Manufacturing Division of NCR Corp.
    Full, tenured professor of Ogranizational Behavior - Kettering University - Flint, Michigan 1985-1999.
    Research in progress:
    1. Reliability and Error Components Of Cognitive and Personality Tests - to be submitted to Educational and Psychological Measurements.

    2. Three Moderators of Manager's Appraisals" Type of Reliability, Appraisal Method, and
    Appraisee's Job Level - to the Journal of Applied Psychology.

    3. The Relationship Between Four Measures Of Reliability - to the Journal of Applied Psychology

    4. How Accurate are you appraisals? - to an HRM journal.

    5. The Reliability of Peer, Subordinate, and Self Appraisals - to Journal of Applied Psychology

    6. The Relationship Between the Number of Job Dimensions and the Reliability of Overall Performance Appraisal Ratings - to Personnel Psycholoy.

    7. The Basics of Meta-Analysis - to Sage Publishing.

    As soon as any of the seven above hit print, I will let all of you know.

    If anyone needs any more information regarding my credentials, I will be happy to supply it. For those who question my age and/or intelligence, young puppies, I doubt that you will be able to understand what I have written, either what I wrote at the age of 31 or at the age of 61.

    Of particular interest are two articles I wrote in my late 20's, Quantitative Methods of Determining D Prime in Signal Detection Theory, and The Use of Recipricals in Timed Versus Untimed Tests. You also might like, IQ, Question or Answer?

  • Angharad


    You really do not need to justify yourself to anyone here

  • larc

    Thank you Angharad,

    No, I don't need to, you are right, but I want to. I am tired of people saying they can't find out anything about me and implying that I am a fraud, especially from people who have minimal credentials, at best.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Lark,

    Please be assured that I have never questioned your credentials. In fact I want to quote my post in its entirety as I do not want there to be any misunderstandings.

    What can I say? I am not taking sides but certainly agree that some very unkind insinuations have been made about you. I also despise the way that younger persons on this board make disparaging remarks about your age and mental state. It is quite disgraceful.

    Some of us Lark know you a little better than others, you are a big-hearted person and many of us do not question your credentials as we do not judge people by intellect and achievement anyway, but by the things that really matter, kindness, virtue and mercy.

    In the interests of peace, be the bigger person and walk away from this one...It is going no-where but painful.

    You have nothing to prove to anyone Larc, especially not me. I am probably as disinterested in your academic credentials as you might be in my musical credentials. What is important to me is that I view you as a person motivated by honor. I well understand your fury at having your academic credentials questioned publicly, especially by persons are young enough to be your children.

    The point I am trying to make, friend to friend, is to walk away from this one, because only pain will result from it...it's going nowhere.

    Best regards - HS

  • Farkel

    Greetings larc,

    : . Reliability and Error Components Of Cognitive and Personality Tests

    I ain't gonna read nothin' that sends me to a dictionary just to understand what the damn title means!

    What is it with you professors, anyway? I spent some time with professor Gedanken last fall and he showed me a research grant he was working on. The damn title to that thing was a book all by itself!



    Hey larc,wow that is quite a list,you`ve done a lot of work.Most people here like you.You don`t have to prove anything to your friends,but it is nice to see all the stuff you`ve done.I agree with hillary,don`t let this cause you any more pain....OUTLAW

  • larc

    Well Farkel,

    Here's the deal, if you don't use high faluutin type words, your shit ain't gonna get published, so you have to pull out every big word you know. I even throw in refrigerator and encylopedia on occasion, just because they are polysylabbic.

    By the way, which of them there big words are yu referrin too? If it is cognitive tests, that just means smart tests, as in intelligent versus dumber than cat shit.

  • patio34

    Hi Larc,

    That was justified, imo, of you to post all of that. Others say it's not necessary and I concur; however, when someone calls into question your statements of being "credentialed," it's certainly reasonable to show the facts of the matter.



  • Billygoat


    I agree. We have too many newbies here that will continue to question Larc's identity and genuineness unless he had stated the facts. I can't say I'd do things any differently.


  • bonovox

    Hey Larc,

    Thanks for clarifying all that (really!)....at least now when you tell me to "f*** off you f****ng sicko" I will know that you are actually quite an intelligent well versed individual who is probably just having a bad day (btw Im laughing here )

    Im only 32, but Ive been to school so I could prolly unnerstand some of the stuff you've written...guess Im one xJW newb that saw fit to get a decent education, including a heavy emphasis on psychology...

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