We Need Money

by Sam Beli 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I think the problem is that with people coming out of a high control, closed group the last think they want to do is get involved again.

    People want to move on and live their lives. Trying to fight the WT head to head would cost a lot of money, time and effort and they have a well oiled publicity machine. The best way is through education and information and making it easier for people to leave by having support in place IMHO.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Simon, LDH, Amazing, Celtic and others, thank you for your responses. The avenues that Amazing refers to are inadequate, IMHO, to get the job done. There is NOTHING like regular (either monthly or per pay-day) contributions to a worthy cause. Writing individual checks as we see fit just does not happen with sufficient regularity to become a significant source of revenue. If memory serves me correctly, the Canadian father has been able to pay only 10% of his legal bill to date, even though his plight has been advertised here several times.

    It only takes one or two talented and trained individuals to make a lot happen. After all, Russell spear-headed the establishment of the WT. Hawkaw spearheaded exposure of their UN relationship; Lee Elder has made a large dent in the Blood policy; Bill Bowen put a huge hole in the pedophile problem. Look at what Simon is doing with this board.

    It can be done, but it takes at least one person with the time, the talent and the motivation and therein lays the problem. The battle is so large that I think a group of individuals with the qualities mentioned above would be in a better position to accomplish the job. Till that person or group immerges WT will probably continue to survive, given its cunning and devious methods of operation.

    Sam Beli

  • Prisca

    Great suggestion, Sam!

    There is a great need for an organised, financed group for causes such as exit counselling for ex-jws, the blood issue, silentlambs etc not just in the USA, but in the UK, Australia, Europe and many other countries.

    Of course, such organisations would have to be locally-based and locally-operated.

    Simon made a good point, in that people leaving a high-control group would be reluctant to join anything that remotely resembles an organisation.

    Also, those who may have the resources to run an organisation for ex-jws, may not be in the position to help ie. inactive but not DF'd nor DA'd

    Still, it would be good if something someday gets organised.

  • invisible

    I have always stated that I am willing to help in any regard that is deemed nessarsary.

    Ex Jehovahs Witnesses are often acutely aware of the lack of coordinated effort and this only further feelings of social exclusion or put another way, getting their lives back together again, where they feel a part of the wider local community relevant to the area within which they live.

    If it would assist Sam, I would suggest an online conference to thrash out the specific issues, the gaps and plugs in the social welfare system and practical measures by which to align our collective concerted effort forwards in a more meaningful, effective manner.

    This will though require EFFORT on the part of the participants involved.

    Please feel free to let me know how further I might prove of assistance in these matters.


    Celtic Mark

    [email protected]



  • deddaisy

    I agree 100% Sam, ex-JWs would be a force to be reckoned with if they were organized.....

    how do you really "focus" this many energies on the same direction when they're all on keyboards across the globe? Still, the possibilities are awesome.........

    IMHO, it will take a lot more than money, though tons of money never hurts.......but it would take a lot of determination and joined effort......perhaps you should start a "sign-up" sheet of those that would be willing to contribute a small amount for say, 6 months, to see how it went......if you got enough names.........it would be difficult though unless willing posters knew that they weren't going to be the only ones contributing......

    I think there are many, many posters here that would contribute if they trusted it was a group effort and were comfortable with the way it was being handled.....there are a lot of strong, passionate people here, I haven't been here long and I've already seen that.....I wouldn't sell them short.....

    forgot to add that if you did start a "combat the WTS" list of prospective contributors, you could let them know that they would be no under no obligation to contribute unless the "list" had a minimum of say, 500 signers, at 10 or 20 bucks a month for six months......this way people would know when signing their name that there were going to be at least 499 (or however many) other posters contributing in a concerted effort.....then if enough posters signed, at the end of the 6 months these posters could vote on where they wanted the money to go........

    just a thought, a "chain" contribution thread might be cool though......especially if it was going to help someone like shunned father....this man is being literally beat down....

    Edited by - deddaisy on 11 June 2002 2:9:6

  • Simon

    I'm sorry but I disagree.

    Yes, we need to be organised but trying to go head to head with the WTS will be a waste of money IMHO. They have far more of it already and 6 million idiots always ready to give them more.

    The way to change things is the way that things are being changed - media pressure, exposure etc...

    How was Nixon brought down? Was it people spending money and hiring lawyers or was it exposing the truth.

  • ballistic

    We don't need an organisation to bring the Watchtower down; it is happening before our very eyes.

    Think long term. Look at the figures dropping in countries such as France and Britain. Population is still increasing exponentially world-wide. Compared to population growth, the numbers of witnesses are dropping through the floor. Soon they will run out of ideas (such as the 15 minute publisher) which they use to boost the numbers. The increases they are experiencing in the third world is not helping them financially; it is sapping their resources.

    As world conditions continue to improve, they will find their domesday prophecies hard to explain. As 1914 is left further and further behind, that date will seem antiquated and bizarre. As modern science grows, even sticking rigidly to the creation theory will be impossible. And as most education and commerce will be done across the net in the future, children will be encouraged to research and check their views with that of others on the internet.

    I think the Watchtower had built into it several strong self protection mechanisms; a mechanism for growth through the obligation to preach and a mechanism for change through the 'new light' philosophy. However, an organisation built upon the sandy soil of 'the signs of the last days' and in particular - 1914, in an improving world has the recipe for it's own down-fall.

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