We Need Money

by Sam Beli 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Francois said in another thread: “This will take some organization and some money.” He was talking about this need in order to start an effort aimed toward holding conventions. He called them “Apost-0-Conventions.” Others need money too: The father in Canada seeking legal help to keep his daughter alive; AJWRB needs money to send representatives to medical conventions where productive conversations are held with visiting physicians and productive booth displays are setup to educate doctors on the WTS blood position; the Silentlambs effort also needs money; and I am sure that there are other causes just as deserving.

    How do we meet this need? Much more can be accomplished if we have a resource for the necessary funds. Let me start some “brain-storming” and others are welcome to contribute ideas. Perhaps we could develop a powerful tool, in time, to assist worthy causes through our efforts.

    1. Setup a tax exempt entity to which we could make tax exempt contributions.

    2. Draw from our collective talents here to setup the necessary legal structure, using interested former JWs who have the appropriate training in accounting, legal, etc. and who are willing to donate their time to this effort.

    3. Insist that those volunteering their time and labor be bonded or otherwise insured in such a way as to confer confidence by the many in the honestly of this effort.

    4. Structure the legal entity in such as way that many persons here could be “members” who select a board of directors who oversee the activities of the officers who handle the money and who demand an accounting of the funds collected.

    5. Use a separate (or possibly the same officers or board) to determine to whom funds are distributed. Require organizations like AJWRB, Silentlambs, etc. to “apply” for funds to use in their work much like grant money is sought for charitable or research work among “worldly” organizations.

    6. Help these other organizations to which we wish our money to go to set themselves up as tax exempt organizations.

    7. Other steps that others see as necessary to make the system work toward the good of the cause many of us desire: Freedom from the shackles of the WTS and similar cults for our loved ones, our friends and the world in general.

    Think of the eventual power of our efforts: If one thousand of us gave just $10.00 per month (perhaps by payroll deduction) we would collect $120,000.00 in one year! Those amounts of dollars over the next five, and ten years could sponsor many trips to trials for those supporting Silentlambs, send several to medical conventions each year from the AJWRB group, initiate PR campaigns about shunning and/or support many other deserving causes connected to our war on oppressive religions.

    What are your suggestions to raise money to fight this war?

    One other thing: let’s not call our efforts “Apost-0-“ anything. Words derived from “apostate” are all derogatory and this disparaging term is applied by the WTS in an effort to “stop-thought” on the part of their adherents. Lets come up with a positive term/name for ourselves that reflects the good work that we wish to accomplish on behalf of our friends and family.

    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

  • terafera

    Very good ideas... I have thought the same thing. There doesnt seem to be enough 'organization' among many ex-jws. I mean, getting together for association is fine, but there doesnt seem to be much going on in the way of moving forward, making steps toward getting the word out about blood reform, child abuse, etc.

    One other thing: let’s not call our efforts “Apost-0-“ anything. Words derived from
    “apostate” are all derogatory and this disparaging term is applied by the WTS in an effort
    to “stop-thought” on the part of their adherents. Lets come up with a positive
    term/name for ourselves that reflects the good work that we wish to accomplish on
    behalf of our friends and family.
    I agree wholeheartedly! Suggestions are needed.... how about LifeNet or FreeLine.. I dunno..something that gives you the image of a person throwing out a lifesaver, trying to save your loved ones?

    Interesting post!

  • Amazing

    In Some ways this is a very good idea ... but does require some complications, proper management, and can get into some organizational and policy issues that can cause dissent.

    As it stands, we can each send donations to SilentLambs, AJWRB, or other causes directly. And in specific cases, like the Canadian shunned father, we can coordinate funds on an as-needed temporary basis, and send money to a verified account for that person, or through some trusted person like Randy or Kent or someone well known in the JW community ... and the person must we ready willing and able to handle the temporary need.

    My biggest fear of setting up a non-profit is adding a layer that might get into political trouble, lose focus, and engage in things that contributors don't like ... yes, contributors can always stop funding ... but the funds they did give are often irretreivable.

    Just some thoughts.

  • invisible

    Hello Sam

    Good to see you posting stuff like this too.

    To be honest though, it's like trying to flog a dead horse with this lot, in fact, my patience has near enough run dry when it comes to the facilitation of these kinds of matters.

    You may or may not be aware that I work with an independent think tank in the UK on issues pertaining to Community Regeneration and Social Exclusion / Inclusion. Funding is available, but to date, no-one has put any requests past me, for research into this. (CAN) Alone has in excess of £100m towards the assistance of causes such as these.

    Never have I found a group more unwilling to accept assistance anywhere, and I'm fairly experienced upon the subject.

    SilentLambs? Never heard from them either. Most strange.

    Brainstorming? Be specific. Can lend my expertise where nessarsary.

    Celtic Mark
    [email protected]

    FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

    Edited for spelling error

  • Francois

    Invisible, does this mean we could apply to you for all the money we need to fund a convention in say, St. Louis, next summer like the one my initial post contemplates?

    If so, just tell me how to apply for it. I have set up a 403(b) organization to apply for funds? Is that it? And what are the limits on the funds? Any?

    Standing By,

  • invisible

    I have already quite some time back mentioned this to one of the Directors of CAN, also former editor of The Independent Newspaper.

    The assistance might be there from the Network for Social Change, a government body (independent?), I can check.

    There was no uptake back then, so I never bothered to continue to pursue this avenue, ex jw's of course not the only community out there that needs assistance, just one tiny cog, part of the wheel.

    If you need help, be particularly specific in your request and I'll see if I can trawl the database for information related to such matters.


    Celtic Mark
    [email protected]

  • LDH

    ((((((SAM and MARK))))))

    Mark, there is a matter of some urgence that requires my individual attention! There is a clandestine meeting planned in Hawaii for July of this year, I'm not exactly sure of who what or why. HOWEVER, I can tell you I will require funds for a 5-star hotel for approximately one month to get to the bottom of this matter!

    I will give this some more thought. the 501c3 might be a good idea.


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    My only e-mail response so far has been from

    "tord unevik"< [email protected]

    with a file attached that is infected. Hmmm.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    HS said in this thread:


    "The XJWs fear the word Organization and understandably so, but without organization I cannot see any sensible challenge being launched that will change WTS policy, apart from a cosmetic alteration, in the short term.

    If XJWs want a short term and rapid change in the more anti-social elements of WTS policy, they need an executive Board, they need financial clout, they need a plan that is short on blustering rhetoric and long on action, and above all they need focus. This may not be possible as so many of us feel that we must become monsters to fight monsters, and frankly loose our way in the forest of pain that we find ourselves in, but until then I suspect that most of us will come to this Board with our little bits of scandal and meta-searched news snippets and spit in the wind."

    Amazings response above, and the lack of many other responses to this thread signal to me that HS is correct, namely that we will continue to spit in to the wind. It is a disappointing reality. Let us hope that with time and the one thing that the WTS fears more than all of us, the Internet, will eventually undo much of the evil that is the WTS.

    Sam Beli

  • Simon

    you got an email virus off him too huh? hmmnnn

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