non-jw family might hire jw nanny--r we crazy?

by fred 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • raven101

    This may sound way out there but,

    Why don't yu judge her on her own merits?


  • dustrabbit

    Hmm, I think I find it very surprising that I'm going to say: If you do a background check to make sure she has no "surprises" in her past, I say hire her. Only because most female JWs are just like other women: They're built with this strong motherly instinct. Most JWs are kind, they're just blinded by their religion. (However, she will look down at you behind your back, but that can occur with any Christian group I think.)

    However, here's the buyer beware warnings:

    1. Don't let her take any male friends into the house. True, the vast majority of JWs are not child molestors nor child abusers, but the "2 Witnesses" rule and their perchant for keeping their members' misdeeds hidden in secrecy make it very hard for you to know what's going on unless your children tell you. The nanny sure won't -- in her little mind, you're worldy, not be trusted. Besides, a JW won't rat out another JW to non-JWs unless the innocent JW has a true sense of justice.

    2. Make sure she understands that you will take her to court if there is ever an incidence involving your children and her refusal to let them have a blood transfusion.

    3. Every time the holidays roll around let her have some time off to go home to her family. Believe it's for the best. She won't celebrate the holidays and would spoil the fun by just being a silent pacifist (if she sticks to her promise not to preach to the kids).

    These remarks are just my opinions and are not meant to be a final judgement. Take your feeling into account: Does your family and she have good "chemistry"? Is it possible that you might accidently unconvert her from the "Borg"? (Just remember, she takes the same stance about you and your kids.) Does she seem to check out ok?

    Take care,
    the dustrabbit

    To do list:
    1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.

  • LDH


    Fred and Ethel, do Ricky and Lucy live next door?


  • LDH

    Well, do they?


  • LDH

    Mmmm Hmmmm.....


    Edited to add: If you don't know what I'm talking about, click on Fred's profile.

    Edited by - LDH on 11 June 2002 13:56:32

  • joannadandy

    With all due respect, I don't think she will try to convert the kids, nor that the pedophile-scandal is a concern. If you said a hands off policy she will respect that. Yes she is a witness, but she is also a nanny, and if she does her job with any type of professionalism she will respect your views and not push her own.

    Edited by - joannadandy on 11 June 2002 14:4:21

  • ChiChiMama


    The first day you asked the Fred and Ethel question I didn't know what in the world you were talking about but was to afraid to ask because I thought maybe it was obvious and I was just too dingy to get it.

    A couple of days later I was looking for this thread and pulled up" fred" in the members section and was so relieved to see that you and I are still sane afterall.

  • giantjason

    It's very simple, Jehova's rules and laws come before all alse. If she is a strict Jehova there is no way the religion will not become a factor. I have nothing against anyone in any religion until they give me reason. Although I seriuosly doubt I would hire a jw to care for my children, BUT if you feel that this woman would be the best thing for your children and you trust her that she will not bring the religion home then by al means do what is best for your kids.

  • mouthy

    When I was a JW-I was also a Nanny- The whole family loved me- as I loved them( they were Jews)Yes I did "drop information" to them all

    When they would talk to me about their faith- I would show them in the Old Testament their error???

    I believe JWs would make GREAT care givers- but walking robots.They MUST save the lives of the children( in their mixed up minds)

    Why invite trouble- I always like that expression about the JWS doctrine- It is like a cold glass of Lemonade on a very hot day-

    only problem is it has a couple of drops of arsnic in it....

  • carolbell

    Fred: I would say no. Her influence would be confusing to your children. She would put down holidays and ruin it for your children and you.She will Witness to your children. If they ask she will answer. It will put guilt shame and confusion in your children.She will be loyal.dependable,honest,God-fearing. But she would be thinking she is saving your children from Armaggedeon. If they have any questions ,I suggest you answer them. She will putfear in their hearts.

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