Too much bad language, sex & pics

by Simon 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    I have to agree with Simon. Not only is this his board, we must remember that it is monitored by the Watchtower and others. When we get a bit too raunchy, as all of us do, it only serves their purpose and they can point fingers and show how being an exJW leads to "debauchery."

    As I read Simons request, he is not shutting it all down, just asking for us to think about it first and consider those who come here and read and do not post. The last thing we should want to do is become our own worst enemy as the Watchtower has.

    Just my two sense.

  • JanH

    I think some self-moderation would do good. It's hard to see any purpose in posting nude or semi nude pics anyone can find by going to more appropriate sites...

    I do not agree that we need to put on our kingdom smiles, greet newcomers politely, and hide the rauncy stuff to make a Good Witness(tm) to visiting dubs.

    What's next? Lovebombing them?

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I don't ususally get into these discussions but quite frankly doesn't Simon have enough to do without setting up special x-rated boards for those who want to discuss such things.

    The way I see it:
    This board is meant to help people leave the WT Org. It is meant to help those who have already left - to heal, to find community, to share experiences, to share information.

    Yes, we were repressed while in the Org. And we have the right to express ourselves freely. But let me ask you. How many of you have family still "in"? How many of you would love for your family to leave? How many of you would love for your loved ones, friends and family, to come here and see what is really going on in the WT Org.

    And how many of you would want your family to see some of what is posted in here? Would it help them to see the truth about the WT Society? Would it help set them free or re-inforce the belief the Org teaches them that we are Satan's seed?

    There is a time and place for everything. This is a place where hopefully we can come to share openly. It is a place where hopefully those we left behind will come for the information they need to set themselves free.

    In the next few weeks and months many will be questioning the tactics of the WT org. People who are related to JWs and some JWs themselves will come here. Maybe your mother or father or sister. Maybe your best friend who you miss so much. What do you want them to read here? What do you want them to know about you and your present life?

    If I was trying to help someone get free of the org I would not invite them to my home and then expose myself to them. I would not share information about my sexlife - that is private. I would not sit in front of tham and swear at people around them. I would be considerate of their fears and all those implanted phobias. I don't even share those things with my best friends. Why should I do it in front of people I want to help.

    But my parents would not come here you might say? But...... what if they did?

    But they wouldn't know who I am? But.....many have posted their stories. It would not take a detective to figure out who I am by reading my story, if they knew me. If your story is in here somewhere there is a good chance they will know who you are.

    Setting up a private discussion board is easy. You can go to many places on the net, set up a closed board where your friends need a password to get in and post as much as you want. (They would have to be closed to have the content that some want).

    Simon thank you for your hard work.

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • flower

    yup. what she said.

  • gumby

    Good idea simon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The internet, and this site especially, has been a powerful tool in aiding dubs out of the borg.
    The things you mentioned would be a turnoff to all who are searching.

  • target

    I agree with Lady Lee.
    I posted something along that line last year when I was new and I found the overabundance of sex talk and bad language a turn off and I considered not staying around. I was jumped on by others who said that now that they are out of the borg they have a right to express themselves anyway they want and I was being a prude. Well, I stayed around, but I did not send anyone else here. I didn't want them to think that I liked that sort of thing.
    Like Simon said, there are plenty of other sites for that sort of thing. Why does it have to be flaunted here when that is not the purpose of this board?


  • larc

    Lady Lee,

    Very well stated. I agree with everything you said.

    I even underlined some of your statements, in case there would be questions later. heee heee

  • Englishman

    I think that really strong language is mostly a no-no anywhere. I might have heard Her ladyship use the F word about 10 times, in each case it was justifiable.

    Rare use is neccessary sometimes, but over-use does seem to indicate a lack of imagination IMO.


  • qwerty

    Bad Language and offensive pics only help to send JW's & even XJw back to Mother with thumb in mouth!

    Keep up the good work Simon.


  • beckyboop

    Hello Simon and all,

    I've really enjoyed reading what you all have written so far, because you seem to have very good intentions as to the purpose of this board. It is a wonderful place for us to vent, to heal, to grow, and the most importantly, to be able to think for ourselves.

    However, here is my problem: this board is for self-expression, and unfortunately for any jw's who may visit, that is going to seem negative to them. Too bad, I say, for we've been lied to all our life, and for some of us, that may come out in very negative ways (KJV comes to mind, no offence), until we make the steps forward to get past the negativity. Am I wrong in thinking that this board is for us? If they (the jw's) come here, then they'll see we are real.

    In regard to the sex threads, that too is something we've NEVER been able to talk about freely. At times we do get carried away, for whatever reason. I think we should have a specific place (the password idea is a good one) in the forum for those topics. If someone complains, tell them to leave--it's their choice. The pictures don't have to be graphic here--there are definitely many places they can go to for that.

    It just seems IMHO that it's way to easy for people to complain about topics and such, and that's a little too close to our old way of thinking--"if I don't like it, it must be wrong". When jw's come here, they may not always find HAPPY people here--it takes a while to get to that point. But if they stick around, they'll realize that we are at least THINKING, and that in itself is a huge step.

    Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinion here. I personally don't want to offend anyone on purpose, but I do hope I'm free to talk about things we were never allowed to talk about before.


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