What do you do for fun?

by WildTurkey 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    14. Im doing this right now so I thought I'de share, its pretty fun watching my husband yell at the television when his fav team isnt winning.

  • bluesapphire

    lol Heaven!

    YOu and I have some things in common: I LOVE to gossip on the phone with my sisters too -- and my mom.

    Snuggling in bed with my honey is absolutely TOP priority. How could I have forgotten to put that when every night I say, "Ahhhh the best place to be," when we go to bed and I snuggle up in his arms!

    But what does "bumming with my kids" mean?

    I wish more people would respond to this thread. I love to hear about yall's life off the board.

  • Solace

    That is so ironic.
    When my hubby and are in bed at night, I always say this is my absolute favorite time! Its too bad its so short and then its morning. I go to work early and its soooo hard to go to work and leave him there, being all warm and cute and stuff. Plus having two kids we dont have much alone time so we value the little time we do have. The hockey games on right now so Im half watching the game and chatting with you guys. Its tied up right now.

    You dont use the phrase, "Go bumming"?.
    Where I live "going bumming" or "bumming around" usually means running errands or going to fun places. To me its usually the park, the mall, garage sales, antique shops, visiting friends or family etc.

  • Mulan

    We love to travel, swim in the ocean, visit with friends, drink GOOD coffee (cappucino from our new machine..........thanks B and D), or drink really good single malt Scotch, play with my grandkids, visit with my children and their mates, work on my scrapbooks, find a great new genealogy find, cook a great meal for good friends and family, surf the web, work in the yard.................after I get started, I really love it, watch my favorite shows on TV: West Wing, 24, CSI, Law and Order (all of them)..........no reruns, good movies, etc.

    Edited by - mulan on 10 June 2002 23:23:9

  • Valis

    Well....let's see...Wt it depends on what I'm doing....

    Usual: hang out entertain all kinds of freaks, drink beer and get lit.........get lit again

    Interesting: Drink beer, get lit, go to mainstream movie w/chickie, get lit again, have dinner, repeat lit and drinking part....possible chingale'......get lit again

    Gets Better: Take chickie out...have dinner...have drinks...hit New Fine Arts Adult/Discreet Movie Theater for a few hours of video fun.........get lit again

    Fun: Camping: Repeat lit and drinking part, and include nasty girls w/little clothing and plenty of insect repellant......get lit again.

    The Best:: Willing apostate sisters who are not camera shy, who really need a good rebuke...and ......get lit again


    District Overbeer

  • LB

    I would rather scuba dive than anything else. Most fun you can have wearing rubber.

    I also do century bicycle rides, coach highschool basketball and tomorrow I'm taking off on a 5 or 6 day backpacking trip.

    Don't drink anything other than diet coke or water.

    This time of the year we also enjoy backyard BBQ's and love to have 10 or more sinners over for a feast.

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