Why a doubter/fader CANNOT participate in Family Worship/ How to get out it," WT Style."

by DATA-DOG 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    --CANNOT--? you can, if you control the agenda.

    What could be more watchtowery than following the weakly wt bible reading schedule?

    with pencil mark all the "off" passages, and discuss them as "needed refutations" to those that question, object, how to get around the problem with non-witness bible students. 

    The same with the daily text, while the wt comments are mostly service, mind-control slanted, often there are gems exposing the ridiculous ramifications, that hit home.  but

    every family is different.

    vivre la difference.  


    If you can stomach Family Worship or the text long enough to sift through the garbage, then you are better than I am. 

    I offered to study the Bible with my wife, she refused. She only wants WT  colored goggles. What are you going to do? You can't force it. 

    This sounds mean, but some people ( maybe even me, if God's real ) must be completely humbled at some point in life, or they NEVER change. At least with my method I have the potential for a gigantic, " I TOLD YOU SO!!!!" moment. Sure, it sounds a bit petty, but if the wife rats me out to the Eldubs again, and I get embroiled in another witch hunt and get DF'd, I can say it's her fault. Mean? Perhaps, but it will make me feel good. 

    I have warned her what will happen if she forces the issue. If she insists on tearing down her house with her own hands, then I will not sugar-coat anything for her. When she is old and gray, waiting on Jeehoober, she can fondly remember ruining our lives before she draws her last breath. Yes, I will actually tell her that, I can be a real a-hole.

    As time keeps moving and the END never comes, reality will give her a bitch-slap of truth. 

    I think my method could work for some. If you warn your family about the consequences of ratting on you, and they see it come true, you have become a "prophet." My wife was so upset by our witch hunt, that we moved to another KH. When the same thing happens, again, what impact will it have? 


  • nicolaou
    DD do you love your wife? Sincere question.
  • KateWild

    I think doing a FW night like this could be good once to see if the other family members are responsive. I then did FW with my son and we studied jwsurvey.org and jwfacts.com. It worked for us. Both my kids are mentally out now.

    DD I think you're struggling staying in at the moment you need to skip a couple of meetings perhaps. I am concerned for you.

    Take care 

    Kate xx

  • WTWizard

    I would go and tear apart the whole LIE-ble.  Going to Genesis 2 and 3, I wouldn't take long to demonstrate that joke-hova is a scumbag bent on enslaving all of us, and using every means possible to do this.  If death threats don't work, that thing will infest governments and create political-correctness movements to that end.  And guess who is trying to keep joke-hova from enslaving us?  Guess who was trying to fight for our freedom?  Yup, our good buddy Satan!

    Philo-Semitism anyone?  Just go to the many accounts where Tyrant David destroyed Gentiles for no good reason, yet allowed Jews (such as Saul) to as good as murder him and would forgive them for this.  This is as blatant to anyone who openly reads those chapters.  Now, which side does joke-hova take, the side of justice or that of the scumbag that slaughters anyone who is not part of "god's chosen people" for just minding their own business?  This proves joke-hova to be the worst bigot, the most hateful, and the most intolerant being of all time.  It is right there in their own LIE-ble, and even if it is full of lies, they wrote it.  They put it as truth, so they are stuck with it, lies and all.

    Then the issue of slavery.  How many times does Paul bash homosexuals?  How many times does Paul relegate women to second-class status?  Philemon is all about pro-slavery.  It is a sin to have sex with someone of the same sex, yet it is not a sin to enslave others?  Are you willing to worship a god that is that unjust?

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