Why a doubter/fader CANNOT participate in Family Worship/ How to get out it," WT Style."

by DATA-DOG 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


     Family Worship night is a boring, depressing, stifling, watchtarded indoctrination/brainwashing session. It never ends. Like all things WT, there is no end in sight. There is only the continuous "SOON" that strangles out all life.

    Would you like to know how to escape the endless cycle of soul-damning boredom? Would you like to tell your family a "scriptural" reason for why you simply CANNOT participate, while at the same time, showing them your love? Of course you would! Well, O'L DD, is going to tell you what to do! 

    1) Look up and print any and all WT articles about people being DF'd for "apostasy". Especially those in the 80's where dubs were DF'd for saying there was no slave class. You can also use the "Walsh" trial, organ transplants, whatever. The point is to show that you CAN be DF'd for disagreeing with the GB/ORG. 

    2) Print out some articles that shows how JWs must rat on other dubs, or they share in the sin. Make sure the other party agrees that this is true.

    3) Explain the new concept of "Brazen Conduct." Make sure that you say that an Elder told you this next part. Under "Brazen Conduct" in the Shepherd Book, it says that "apostasy" is a form of brazen conduct. What is "apostasy" exactly? Deliberately teaching anything that is contrary to the WTBTS's current understanding of the Bible, that's what...

     So, simply tell your family that because you love them so much, you simply cannot study with them, but must "wait on Jehoober!"  Why? Because according to the current understanding/official WTBTS policy in the Shepherd Book, you cannot teach them anything that disagrees with the Watchtower or Awake. If you do, then you are deliberately spreading a "false" teaching and your family are required to report it to the Elders lest they share in your "sin". 

    Even though you may be correct, ( give examples of how you have been right or make them up), you can be DF'd just like the Brothers who knew there was no slave class and that Jesus did not appoint ANYONE over his belongings.

    Your conscience will force you to teach something contrary to current light, therefore your mate or family must report you, or be guilty by association. Since you cannot put them through the pain of possibly contributing to the break-up of your family, you simply cannot participate in Family Worship. 

    Your loved ones need plausible deniability. They must simply wait on you as you "wait on Jeehoober!" There is a "time to keep quiet" and this is it! You love them so much that you would rather be viewed as spiritually weak, than to cause them harm. Think of how badly they would feel someday, when they realized that they helped you be DF'd for no reason. They will be accountable for that, so you must save them from themselves! 



  • OneEyedJoe
    Personally, I wish I could somehow do the family worship with my wife - it might well help me to wake her up.  We never did it before, though, so it would seem odd if I started at the time when all signs point to me not giving a crap about being "spiritual"
  • stuckinarut2

    I would rather watch TV than waste the time playing games like that...

    Nice idea and reasoning DD, but life is too precious to play WT games...


  • freemindfade

    OneEyedJoe Thats when I stopped doing family worship,

    1. it turned into some of me and my wives biggest fights, as it escalated into me questioning things that seemed illogical (pre learning TTATT)

    2. It really got me questioning the bible more every time we studied. 

    Thats how i got out, if I didn't either she would have killed me or we'd be divorced.


    Hey, I hear what you guys are saying. Yes, it's a ridiculous game. The very fact that one would even need to "prove" a point using watchtarded logic is evidence of that fact! 

    For the record, I do not participate in FW, and have not for some time. My wife knows how I feel about hypocrisy. I actually read to her from the Walsh trial transcripts and made it clear that such "reasoning" was dishonest and that I would never support such watchtardery. 

    Even so, actually going through all the information that I mentioned could wake someone up. The sheer stupidity of it may be enough to help break the spell of the WTBTS. Being a "captive of a concept", believing the GB speak for God, is what enslaves our loved ones. ANYTHING that may break that spell is worth trying.


  • Crazyguy
    I like the approach.
  • goingthruthemotions

    freemindfade...i hear you...same with me and my wife. big fights when we study or go to the washtowel meeting.

    i told her that family study will only be done from the bible. . she is sooooooo blind and brainwashed. 

    she is smart when she is in authentic mode...but under cult mode....she is dumb has a rock.

    joining this cult was the worse mistake of my life...if i could turn back time.


  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Man,  @oneeyedjoe, you and I are brothers from another mother! 

    I'm starting to wish we'd done fw night,  EVER,  so that I could use it as a tool to introduce some THINKING.  dammit. 

  • Oubliette

    Um, I don't think you really understand how this works: To be a good and faithful JW you just need to OBEY whatever it is that the WTBTS Leadership (aka "The Governing Body") is saying now.

    Whatever they said in the past is irrelevant. Arguments based on reason and/or logic are irrelevant. Pointing out inconsistencies in doctrine will only get YOU in trouble.

    A much simpler and much cleaner approach is this: Just stop going. 

    If, and when, anyone asks why, reply, "I don't want to."

    If they say, "Why not?"

    Say, "It's none of your business."

    Done and done.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    If you want to dissolve all of the "Watchtarded" logic you should progress to Bibletarded logic:

    1) Open up the Bible to Exodus 20 where the Ten Commandments are written. Then go to Exodus 34 where a second set of ten commandments, claiming to be like the original ones but give out a very different set of commands such as my favorite one: Commandment 10: “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.” - Exodus 34:26

    2)  Quote Deuteronomy 25:11-12 and ask your family about their opinions on that verse.

    3) Read where Jesus curses entire towns for not being impressed by his miracles but later asks God to forgive his murderers. Matthew 11:20-24 compared to Luke23:34. Make a snide remark about it. 

    Let the cognitive dissonance set in.

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