JW Dating Service :)

by Incense_and_Peppermints 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    So, who wants to take bets on how long this Dub Dating Site will stay up? 2 months? 3? Come one people, I need money

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    It asked me for may 27 and june 3, so 208 and 178..

  • LDH

    Fatal, I'm going to try with those later today...I'll let ya know. Thanks.

    This was one of the first profiles that came up when I did a search. MINDBLOWING.

    More about me:

    Hello my name is *** and I am seeking a Jehovah Witness sister to spend my life with a Jehovah Witness. I was baptized in the year of 1999. I have brown hair, brown eyes, and I have an awesome smile. I weigh 173 lbs and I'm 5"8. I love to do outgoing things as a man and as a father. Yes, I do have kids, well actually daughters (ages...5,12, 16) and we spend time with each other like going to the zoo or park, movies,and the kingdom Hall. I also like to do Field service and go to bible studies.I have been divorced for 5 years and haven't dated for that time.I feel that I should let you know that I have been incarcerated for 6 years.I hope that you don't judge me by my past. I know that all of us need to seek the kingdom first,and never look back.Well I hope to find a sister that loves Jehovah as much as I do and has the right priorities in her life.If you feel the same way,write me back.

  • detective

    I mentioned previously that I know one of the people who has posted an ad on that site. I think it's pretty sad that a guy who would probably have a good chance at finding a match in "the world" has to limit himself to those in his high-control group (cult). Instead he has to dodge divorced women who are fifteen years older than him while typing out a dating ad that greatly exagerates his hobbies and his life in general.

  • zenpunk

    SAAAADDDDD! What hypocrites! Maybe they should set up an "arranged marriage" site so that there's never the temptation to fornicate.

  • SYN


    When will the poor Dubbies learn?

    Internet Dating is for the birds...the real thing is much, much better. What are you going to tell your kids one day?

    "Mommie and Daddy met on the Net" doesn't sound very good, compared to, say, "Mommie and Daddy met when their boats collided in Venice and they had to swim for the nearest hotel"...

  • Bendrr


    Scary place!


  • Bendrr

    Ok, y'all we gotta do it.
    Who's up for starting a matchmaker site for ex-dubs?


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    If my hubby shouts at me one more time today i'll join...(reaching for the laxatives...his coffee hot and ready...coming sweetheart...!!)

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