JW Woman on Trial for Killing Infant

by BeautifulGarbage 22 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • BeautifulGarbage

    This article was in today's desert and pass edition of The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Ca, USA)

    It doesn't appear on their website. I typed the article verbatim. Any typo's are mine

    Woman's trial starts in newborn's death

    By Jose Arballo Jr.

    Riverside-Unemployed, depressed and lonely, Donna Knight believed all she had left was her religion.

    But the Jehovah’s Witness faith that the Riverside woman followed does not allow for sexual relations outside marriage. Fornication outside marriage is grounds for excommunication. So, when Knight became pregnant, a prosecutor told a jury Tuesday, she hid her condition, gave birth over a toilet and then drowned the newborn in September 1999.

    “He lived. He breathed. He ended up in a toilet.” Deputy District Attorney Denna Bennett told the panel that will decide whether Knight is guilty of murder. “She ended his life because she was afraid of what would happen to her”.

    Defense lawyer Grover Porter countered that Knight, 37, was taking medication for depression and was seeing a therapist. Knight, who weighed between 275 and 300 pounds, did not know she was pregnant, Porter said. She had seen a doctor for a vaginal infection only weeks before the incident, and he did not examine her, he added.

    Porter urged the jury to “just listen” and “do what’s right”.

    Knight’s trial began Tuesday in Riverside County Superior Court with opening statements and testimony from witnesses.

    With no other eyewitnesses other than Knight, Bennett suggested that the case is based in large part on physical evidence, including of an autopsy showing the child survived birth and died from drowning, and Knight’s changing statements to investigators. The newborn could have lived for as long as three minutes, she said.

    Initially, Knight told investigators she was having pain and went to the bathroom believing a bowel movement would ease the discomfort. Knight suggested she “passed something huge”, lowering the toilet lid without looking then flushed, Bennet said. Knight told investigators she did not know she had given birth until later, when she came back to the bathroom and saw the boy’s foot sticking out of the water.

    Later, Bennett said, the story changed, and Knight told investigators she thought she was passing blood clots. At one point, Bennett said Knight told investigators: “I hear this cry. I don’t know where it’s coming from.”

    Knight told investigators she believed the noise was a cat. Bennett said Knight removed the baby from the toilet and placed the infant and the afterbirth in the nearby tub.

    The jury of 10 women and two men was shown a photo of the infant, its body still connected to the umbilical cord lying next to the placenta. Knight turned away from the monitor, shaking her head and weeping.

    Throughout the investigation, Bennett said, Knight denied knowing she was pregnant. But letters found in Knight’s apartment suggest she knew of her condition, Bennett said, and she briefly enrolled in a course at Riverside Community College that focused on child development and birth.

    Knight was excommunicated from her church after the investigation was completed, Bennett said.

    In her final interview, Bennett said, Knight conceded she knew of her pregnancy.

  • Quotes

    Very, very sad.

    I'm not a woman, so I can't comment with authority, but it seems to me that it is extremely unbeleivable that someone could confuse childbirth with a large bowel movement....

    I know that I would never confuse passing a kidney stone with a large bowel movement, and as a man that's the closest I'll ever get to understanding the issue!

    Most sad of course would be if the motivation for this infanticide was indeed religiously motivated.

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: http://Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com

  • teenyuck

    How sad!

    The part about her being freightend by the religious group should be looked into.

    The fact that she is 37 and not 14 is interesting. The stories I have seen and read over the years have been young women (12-20) who were afraid to tell the parents. This lady had to know what signs to look for...ie: 9 months of missed periods! Even a sheltered JW would know this, at her age.

    I am glad I am not on that jury.

  • Imbue

    This is so very sad that the fear of being shamed would bring a person to murder. Then it's a shame that people shame one another over something as natural as pregnancy.

    I actually know a Dub that murdered a baby she was baby sitting. The baby died from shaken baby syndrome. Initially she lied about shaking the baby so they couldn't even help the baby. She was sentenced with manslaughter 4-10 yrs.

    I can't post articles because it could give my identity away to lurkers. Besides it was never mentioned in the newspapers that she was a JW.

    She was repentant and even the parents noted that they didn't believe she intended to kill their baby. However, they understandably want her to serve the maximum time. The elders only reproved her and she is basically not visited in prison by anyone from the cong.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • Scully

    Hi Quotes:

    Speaking from personal experience - and from my clinical expertise - most women report the urge to empty their bowels when birth is imminent.

    The pressure of the baby against the anterior wall of the rectum is responsible for the sensation.

    If Ms. Knight had somehow deluded herself into not believing she was pregnant, it's entirely possible that is what she thought was going on.

    It's really very sad that she was so afraid of being disfellowshipped that it resulted in the death of her child.

    Love, Scully

    PS: I noticed how the newspaper report said that

    Fornication outside marriage is grounds for excommunication
    So if you're married and fornicate, it becomes ok?? [8>]
  • obiwan

    You know,even though I am no longer a part of jw's,I still can't help
    but feel a little ashamed for being a part of it and the horrible
    results that come from jw's

    WOW It's a wide open world,use your
    own thoughts.

  • Soledad

    Sick. That's all I have to say about that.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well there seems to be some discrepancy - did she know she was pregnant or not.

    Many obese women do not have regular periods so that might not have been an indicator.

    Gosh who is it in here who is a mid-wife

    Most definitely the JW angle needs to be looked into

    If she knew and left the baby there then she is responsible. If she really didn't know then it's a different story and if she is mentally ill then that too is a different story

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • ChiChiMama

    This is one of the saddest things I have ever seen.
    It is so awful what cults can do to people.I hate them!

    Just think, the very thing she was trying to avoid is now a reality plus she is facing a worse nightmare than she could ever imagine.


  • plmkrzy

    It is sick no matter how you look at it.
    I can't imagine how she could have mistaken it for a bowel movement. That would be pretty incredible.
    She is obviuosly very sick and should have been getting some or better treatment then she appearently was getting for depression.
    This forum is loaded with df'd and dis'd people. I can't speak for everyone here but I can certainly speak for myself and I can defenately say I would not kill my child for fear of being shunned.
    UN-LESS! ofcourse I was very ILL to begin with.

    .........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................

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