New Report Indicates Lesser Audience For DATELINE

by AngryXJW 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LDH

    LOL @ Hawk.

    I haven't taken off my mask and cape yet, dude!!!!!


  • hawkaw

    Mad Apostate,

    I have not conducted any "ad hominem" attack on anyone.

    AngyXJW = Mad Apostate. Just gotta read and it becomes clear. There is only one other person that knows this case and the Berry case and has the same concerns. In my books I look up and try to listen to Mad Apostate and respect his "opinions".

    With 284 million people living in the USA are the change in the numbers that drastic? I don't think so. Like I said before - the audience was huge either way you look at it.

    Yes, I would like to hear why they revised the numbers but I think if you start a thread like this, the least you can do is explain to people why the change in the numbers. You know it would take a phone call or Email to AC Neislson. And you with your legal background at least have the knowledge to use the phone to find out.

    You want to use a different name that is fine. I welcome your input and if you want to call me JR Brown (just like when you called me Freddie Franz the other day just prior to the airing of Dateline) that is fine too. But all I am asking is for you to use your skills to phone up AC Neilson and get them to provide the explaination to you for the thread you started.


  • MegaDude

    The only high blood pressure on this thread is yours,
    Angry Ex JW Dude.

    Did you make the call yet? Or is venting more your style? Let us know what you find out. Otherwise, go outside and kick a tree.

  • SYN

    Take it easy guys! Argue about something interesting, like Britney's Boobies!

    Since Dateline will be on MSNBC this weekend, that will surely crank up those figures even more. Be glad this is at least getting some exposure - the real Truth is being revealed, inch by inch...

    They've been digging in the Euphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and an older caveman culture. Recently, they reached another layer of fused green glass.

  • hawkaw


    I will take your advice.

    There are very few cable households that get "PMSNBC" and few watch compared to CNN or Fox. You viewership should be in the hundreds of thousands instead of millions. However, it stills offer more exposure to more people and I will take it big time.

    The one thing I do like about them is when a news story breaks they seem to have the best TV coverage of the three cable news networks.


  • waiting

    howdy Mega,

    Quote: They listened to my synopsis of the show, and I ended it by saying "Child molesting is a problem that is in all churches. *They nodded and were happy to hear me say this*

    And then I calmly said, "Don't be afraid to write your leaders to tell them to change their policy. Also, I don't appreciate you allowing child molesters to come to my door. Please stop that."

    JW response: none, nada, blind-deaf-dumb. A foreign thought!

    That was soooooooooo cool. Waddago. Did you manage to get some distance before you had a good belly laugh?


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