Dateline to RE-AIR on MSNBC!!!!!!

by silentlambs 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • silentlambs

    I have just received word the Dateline program will re-air this weekend on MSNBC. MSNBC is a news program along the format of CNN, Dateline has a contract through NBC and when they have an exceptional program MSNBC runs it again. The program will is called “Dateline Weekend Edition” which airs 2-3 times over the weekend. You will need to check your local listing for the time in your area. Warm up your VCR’s your going to get another opportunity to see the program. That is this weekend June 8-9 and there should be more than one airing.

    I have had several reports from brothers and sisters who call into WT that they are being told the program is not true and cannot be believed.

    Dare I say, lie wt lie?

  • TR


    All you that emailed people looking for copies, check it out!

    Thanks, Bill.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Simon

    Billiant news!

    MSNBC ... exceptional programme ... 2 or 3 times ... it don't get much better than this eh?

    For the WT to lie so blatently (when probably many JWs are aware of or have heard of similar stories and know it to be true) shows just how desperate they are.

  • sf

    Get in on the discussions:


    Too many 'lambs'!

  • deddaisy

    "I have had several reports from brothers and sisters who call into the WT that they are being told the program is not true and cannot be believed."

    yes, you know it's common knowledge that Dateline always airs reports that are unsubstantiated......duh

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    How many really truly believe NBC, CNN, CBS and the like are a bunch of lying apostates? The more the Watchtower calls people including the networks liars the more it will hit them.

    Thanks, Bill.

    FREE CHRISTIANS including many spiritual exJWs and Friends are at Troy Brown at jahchristian@

  • crawdad2

    hi silent lambs,

    i realize now, that the way to control the gov body is not by arguing with them, or proving them wrong, because they just don't care.

    the way to get them to change, is by exposing them to the public.
    doing that hits them really hard..... law suits.

    i hope the progam brings more witnesses forward, who are willing to "TESTIFY IN COURT"........ how they were silenced and punished.

    you are not alone anymore, silent victims of the watchtower!

  • Scully

    "I have had several reports from brothers and sisters who call into the WT that they are being told the program is not true and cannot be believed."

    Which is why Manuel Beliz was convicted on ALL FOUR CHARGES related to child molestation by an IMPARTIAL jury of his peers.

    Take the blinders off, Watchtower Worshipers!

    Love, Scully

  • mike

    I missed it the first time around, will this second screening be made in the Uk as well?


    "Doubt is not a pleasant mental state but certainty is a ridiculous one." --Voltaire

  • Simon

    Someone said it may be on Sky/Cable at some point? Not sure when though.

    In the meantime, you can watch it here:

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