Haha, yeah, this did turn out to be a very funny topic! But I admit I was just pretty damn irritated at all the moving graphics while I was trying to read some serious stuff.
BTW, while I'm complaining [g], it is also irritating to have to scroll back and forth to read. I will usually skip the topic if I am forced to scroll to the right. Plmkrzy, your horrizontal line causes this, as do large photos posted into the thread by other folks. I realize this is not a techy site and I have no intenton of trying to fit everyone in to my perfect little window. I know why these things are happening because I am a computer techy. All I am doing is ranting. Please don't take any of this personally.
(BTW, Simon, if you are reading, I can make some suggestions about how to aleviate these screen problems that are caused by improper use of HTML and poor understanding of pixels. Since you allow HTML in the text posting area you have lost control of formatting. I suggest that you explore creating a few different skins, and one at least that will display all graphics elements as place holders. This would allow for those who prefer to skip the cute little pictures or have slower connections).
Hey, Rocky and Mrs. Rocky, my computer's just fine, and I have a high speed connection. I can watch movies on my PC if I want to. But I much prefer the text mode when doing forum discussions. I'm a hold over from the old days when text is all we had. Oh, and LB's animations were great!
Valis, no, sorry to say that I was usually the one giving the drubbing. I didn't treat her very nicely, along with here brothers, when we were kids. We thought she was a pest. She's just getting back at me!
Princess, I do love you and appreciate your jabbing me here. I'm glad it turned out to be a light-hearted thread since I was pretty pissed when I wrote it. Ha!