by buffy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • AjaxMan


    Welcome to the board.

    By reading your profile and thread, you did go thru a lot in your life.

    One thing I can tell you is HAVE NO FEAR.

    Personally, I think it is up to you and your husband on how your son will be raised as both of you are the parents, not us and not anybody and much less, religion.

    My parents and I have different beliefs, but we still love each other very much despite our different creed.

    About Armageddon, don't believe in all the hoopla: The world has been wild and crazy for a long time. It will never change, but it doesn't mean that it is gonna end. One thing that is always true about living in this wild and crazy world is that there is hope.

    I am sorry that you lost contact with your family due to religion, but don't let that discourage or put a damp to your happiness and the happiness of your newly-formed family (you, husband and son).

    Don't live in Fear. Life is not easy, but it doesn't mean that you have to fear it because it is hard. So, as a welcome message to you, read my signature.

  • Mackin

    Since this a "New XJW" thread I thought I'd post as well.

    I understand completely how you feel Buffy. I've been out of the Borg for about 3 yrs now and it hasn't been easy. It takes a while to get over the Borg way of thinking and the huge guilt trip they use to control you. This is a good place to come though. Lots here who understand.

  • tdogg

    Welcome. I was born and raised JW and have been through all that goes along with getting out physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Just understand that it takes time to DEPROGRAM yourself and the most valuble tool is education. You will do well to learn the real history of the Watchtower because when you do you will see it for what it really is. Best of all you will see that you DON'T NEED TO BE AFRAID, or feel guilty any longer becuase it was all a sham.

  • plmkrzy
  • Gywen

    Welcome Buffy.

    I have been out for over 5 years. I am still healing and deprogramming. It takes time. I recommend one of Steven Hassan's books for exit counseling (that is, deprogramming) as the next best thing to professional counseling. I have "Releasing the Bonds".

    He is a survivor of a another mind-controlling cult called the Moonies. He really knows this field.

    By the way, to answer your question, ask yourself if membership in any organization is a requirement for eternal salvation. The WT has you programmed to think so, but try to find a scripture that says that. You won't be able to find it.

    Salvation is by Christ's finished work, through faith, plus nothing.

    It took me along time to deprogram myself, but it is possible.

    Oh yeah, smoking is not a sin :)

  • buffy

    Thank you all soooo much for the encouragement. I'll take all the advice given to me to heart. Hope to talk to all of you
    much more.

    I think I'm still amazed at how many of us there are out there. I knew that jw's got dfd all the time. But, I guess to
    actually find alot of them in one place just puts everything into perspective. I'm already finding the help I've been
    longing for.


  • Solace

    Im so sorry about your family shunning you.
    Its not fair that the W.T.S manipulates and controls its members into ignoring their family, even their own children and grandchildren. Its so sad that so many families are living this way. Family is very important. This is why I sometimes still have to bite my tongue with my own J.W. family. Im am on such thin ice with them as it is. They already distance themselves from me. They think Im just inactive and questioning the society. They dont know how much I really know about the organization. If they did, Im sure they wouldnt even be able to talk to me, being pagan and all.
    Take care and stay strong.

  • Solace

    Welcome Mackin.

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