Thanks for the education

by angelkins 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • angelkins

    I have been a serious lurker here for about a month--addicted, as it were. Here's why: I have been on a quest to learn about JWs. Seven years ago my son started dating a DF'd JW. He did not know this about her until it was too late! She was pregnant. As I got to know and love her, I decided to try to understand why she seemed so damaged by her JW experience.
    I started by studying more about cults which led me to Barbara Grizzuti Harris's book. It was out of print and I could not find it. One day I found a quaint, little used bookstore and out popped the book from a high shelf! What an eye opener it was. I even discussed it with my then daughter-in-law. Her stories from her life broke my heart--sexual abuse as a child, shunned now by her JW family and friends......
    Fast forward to the present. After being out of this cult for TEN YEARS, she recently was reinstated. Why is it any of my business? I have the most lovable six year old grandchild whom I love more than my own life. When I heard that X was starting to attend meetings, I got sooo scared. It was my worst fear that this could happen. I also found Randy Watter's site and ordered books and materials for my son and for me. My son is almost paralyzed with fear and there is not much he can do to protect his beautiful child. We have been restricted in our interactions with the little one in may ways and are feeling so helpless/powerless. Is love enough? We have noticed such a difference since the mom started back--low self-esteem, frightened, etc. Example: "Nana, I love you so much. I want to see you at the Rapture."
    How could someone who suffered so much herself do this to her own child?
    I hope it is O.K. to post here and I am sorry to be so wordy. I seriously tried to cut it way down to the basics. Learning the lingo, more about the inane beliefs and,especially, your stories has at least given me some tools to cope. Knowledge is power?

  • SixofNine
    "Nana, I love you so much. I want to see you at the Rapture."

    Sounds like the kiddo hasn't learned the lingo yet either.

    If you are for real, there is no reason to believe "there is not much he can do to protect his beautiful child." He's his father isn't he? All he has to do is ask the kid a few questions about his beliefs, and ask WHY he believes them, and why not everyone agrees, and teach him how to think critically. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE, who knows how to think critically becomes a JW. Your son may need to teach himself this skill as well. Something the two of them can learn together. How's that for bonding?

  • COMF

    I'm with Six. What's up with that "Rapture" quote? That is decidedly non-witness cultspeak.

    "Can you believe there are still people suckering for this shit? Hehehe!"
    - J.R. Brown

  • dungbeetle

    JW's that have been 'out' go back for the same reason that battered women return over and over to their batteres.

    Let me rephrase that. Battered women don't always successfully get away the first time they try, the average used to be seven or eight times. I don't doubt that the same may be true of cult members.

    another problem is the perceived lack of ex-jw role models. There are many many people in the world who have survived the Watchtower and gone on to lead very succesful and rewarding lives, but JW's do not know about them.

    If someone I loved seems to be strufggling with alcoholism, I would go to Al-Anon. If someone I loved seemed to be struggling with an eating disorder, I would take a class in nutrition at least.

    If someone I loved is entrapped in a cult, I would find a support group for myself AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. It may be the only hope for those children.


  • angelkins


    I don't know where she got that. I just assumed it was also one of their things. She was still 5 then, but must have heard it somewhere.

    But, I am glad to have you point out anything that will help.

    BTW, I would be sooo happy if this weren't for real. I guess I have much more to learn. I don't know why I seemed to be inauthentic.

  • teenyuck

    As someone who has not studied any other religion....what is the rapture?

  • obiwan

    God's judgement day.

    Life's hard enough

  • COMF

    It's when the believers literally fly off to meet Jesus in the air at his second coming.

    I'll fly away, o glory, I'll fly away


    "Can you believe there are still people suckering for this shit? Hehehe!"
    - J.R. Brown

  • ChuckD

    The Rapture is what Evangelical Christians call the time when they expect that everyone who is saved will go straight to heaven, mid day, without passing go or collecting their $200. This leaves the rest of the world with problems such as how to deal with suddenly driverless busses filled with non-believers.

    I agree that the phrase Rapture is clearly non-Witness speak, and is as out of place there as pork ribs at a Bar Mitzpha.

  • teenyuck

    LOL @Chuck....that was a good explanation! least I can be prepared when a friend brings this up. She laughs at my JW background and talks about the rapture. I have had no idea what she was talking about, so I can at least point out that it does not sound much better than armageddon.

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