WT officially admits their system is NOT PERFECT

by Insider 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JT

    don't you love the example they try to use, while laws may differ from place to place

    in most folks minds on a case of a 16yr old boy and a 14 year of girl
    it is in noway similar to when most folks think of child molestation

    they have a clear imagine of a dirty of 55yr old man trying to get his penis in a 6 or 7 yr old girl.

    why didn't the wt use that as the example

    i will bet my house that 95% or more of the cases in wt involve clearly mature adults 30-40-50 yr old men and girls 12 and under

    wt marches out this strawman case of the 2 hot horny single teens

    but made sure they stayed away from bro johnson who is 47 married with 3kids and the little 10 old child he was trying to have sex with.

    try all they want to folks saw clearly the old guy - who interesting while i hate what he did NO MENTION AND I REPEAT NO MENTION WAS Made of getting the guy some help

    while it has been stated by many that there is no real treatment for this sickness AT LEAST SOME ATTEMPT should be made to get the guy treatment

    yet the wt has stated KNOWN PEDOPILES GO DOOR TO DOOR

    yet nowhere on thier site or in jr browns comments are there any mention of getting this guy professional help

    the only help wt gives is

    1, no be around little girls

    2. always be active in service and never work alone

    3, read all your mags each month

    4, attend all of our (sales) meetings

    that is the extent of help that a pedophile will get from and elder who is following the instructions of the WT

  • SloBoy

    I can just hear it know ' Brothers, there is new light. Yes, oh yes, we were all gathered together in that special room and we received new light on how to refine our child-molestation policy'. 'Er, excuse me brother, but does this new light have anything to do with the likes of Bill Bowen, Barbara Anderson, and Erica'. 'Quick, someone seize that instigator and throw the postate out!!!'...all in all, whatever it took for this tragic denial to be brought out in the open, I am truly grateful.

  • garybuss


    Jehovah's earthly organization wrote: "Suppose, for example, that a long time ago a 16-year-old boy had sexual relations with a consenting 15-year-old girl."

    I was not aware that a 15 year old could give consent. Can they?



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You're right, Gary, LEGALLY she cannot.

    But I'm sure the WTS was thinking more along the lines of the scriptural, "let your Yes mean yes..."

    Laws are for mortal men, not nascent angels.

    Or maybe they were thinking Baltimore or Thailand...

  • Elsewhere

    I think they were trying to use a "boys will be boys" example... "youths enflamed with passion". [8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • FetterFree Annie
    FetterFree Annie

    All that dithering with elders and such! Forget the elders! Child abuse is a crime! The child's parents should report it to the police immediately with no fear whatsoever of disfellowship. The WT is not a law unto itself!

  • Insider

    By the way everyone, that letter was just read to all congregations in the United States this week, the week of May 27. In some congregations, only parts of the letter were read.

  • Insider

    Also, the letter read to all congregations in the United States was dated: May 24, 2002.

  • freedomhouse3

    I have just got through reading the above mentioned article and, quite frankly; I did not see an outright admission of being wrong. They came short of any admission.

  • freedomhouse3

    "The Creator may be tough but He ain't blind." Stagecoach driver in film Purgetory

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