The best book on biblical archaeology I've ever read

by marmot 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Ex-J-dubs have to be very cautious of confirmation bias.

    When I was working at Half-Price books in the religion section I began to notice a trend.

    Debunking books were followed by apologist books.

    Each respective side remained convinced.

    All I would urge is that Ex-JW's read BOTH sides of each argument to remain aware of ALL the particulars.


    If you get into a discussion and you don't know what ammunition the other side has--you can be whipsawed.

    Remember, intellectual honesty is the willingness to be wrong when presented with the facts.


    When academics (experts) disagree and each side has credentials, I have to back out of a debate because I'm not

    as smart as either party. My bias pushes me too far in a certain direction. I would easily allow myself to become

    convinced of the argument which emotionally satisfies me.

  • Terry

    Take a look inside Dershowitz's book (especially Table of Contents)

  • marmot

    Thanks Terry, as the topic states, it's the best book *I've* ever read (so far). Always open to further information.

    As for The Bible Unearthed, putting aside the controversy it does show for certain that some biblical passages are flat-out wrong. For example, the bit about camels not being domesticated at the time of Abraham yet he supposedly owned herds of them was an eye-opener. The lack of any physical or archaeological evidence for the Exodus was another.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Terry, I didn't read it all, but I don't see any criticism of THE BIBLE UNEARTHED (TBU) in the controversy you refer to.

    Finkelstein blasts Dershowitz in a book about Israel, not about the content of TBU.

    If I quoted Finkelstein from TBU, I would simply say I am not engaging in debate over those politics.

    Personally, I see no appeal to their books on that other subject. Seems kind of limited to those interested in the nation of Israel.

    Am I missing something?

  • Crazyguy

    Terry has a point, I have noticed a conserted effort by many including governments to keep things status quo. In the past researchers would not even get funding if they said anything negetive about the bible. But times are a changing I even whatched a show last night were they were discusing the story of Goliath and how his armor the way it was described was that of a Greek hoplite soldier 300-500 years later and not that of a philistine which they have clear evidence of what they wore in Egypt.

  • Phizzy

    I have just glanced down the Thread, but Terry, you have a book by Norman G Finkelstein, the Bible Unearthed is by Israel F. ????

    Unconfuse me please .

  • Terry


    Terry, I didn't read it all, but I don't see any criticism of THE BIBLE UNEARTHED (TBU) in the controversy you refer to.

    Finkelstein blasts Dershowitz in a book about Israel, not about the content of TBU.


    Thanks for bringing that up, Phizzy and OTWO!

    Finklestein attacked Dershowitz first and leveled many accusations about him and the book, Case for Israel.

    In so doing, Finklestein hurt himself and the gravitas of his own book.

    So, when I brought up Finklestein's archeological findings in a debate, I was horrified to have the evidence DISMISSED

    by my opponent. The topic switched to defamation and bias rapidly! (The unusual name of Finklestein allowed the confusion, I suppose.)

    This is what happens.

    Richard Wagner's music becomes synonymous with Anti-Semitism in the minds of certain people.

    The baby goes out with the bathwater.

    That's what I intended to express in the above paragraphs, but I clogged the drain with too much chatter.


    In confusing the two authors and further confusing the topic--more harm than good was done:)

  • marmot

    Oh yeah, just caught that too.

  • marmot
  • Finkelstein

    This book was put into a 4 part mini series on video.

    If you would like to view this video you can watch it for free at Dailymotion

    There is small button on the bottom right side for full screen viewing.

    The other 3 parts can be located at the side menu of the web page

    Interesting video with a different perspective .

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