WTBT$/JW's = AMWAY/MLM Schemes

by Darth Fader The Sequel 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    All of the WTS tactics and procedures are based off of your most basic MLM (multi-level marketing) schemes. Take your pick of Amway, or any of the other vitamin or financial MLM's. They all work the exact same way. The power structure, phony hierarchy, silly name tags and graduated titles, public recognition of high achievers, special delegates to conventions and gatherings, exclusive meetings for high achievers, special publications for certain "leaders", hyperbolic testimonials....... everything. EVERYTHING IS AMWAY WITH THE JW's!!!

    The MLM scheme attracts two basic types of people: 1) those who are weak-minded, gullible and ignorant, bottom 50% in life/IQ/expectations, the easily addicted, those that seek out institutional control of their lives for safety and self-preservation. Or, 2) the high achievers who yearn for public recognition, institutional recognition, reverence and adoration, those who enjoy petty institutional structure so as to climb that contrived ladder and gain power and control over others weaker than them. That is it!!! That describes 90%+ of the JW's.

  • Legacy


    Exactly true...I know many in the society that belong to those type of Pyramid schemes. I think for one it's a sense of belonging...they need structure...& by nature they are competitive...don't want to work a regular job from 9-5, basically they want to do what they want to do when they want to do it. Another thing...the folks I've met HAD GREAT JOBS ..I say had....MADE MORE $$ THEN THEY WOULD MAKE IN THESE SCHEMES.... I think it's a certain type personality that is attracted to these types of enviroments...In my life I have been approached by almost every type of pyramid scheme, but you can bet by the time I hear it...the money has already been made....I call it....a hopefully get rich scheme...Just like being a witness you can never do enough is the same for these schemes....they are always recruiting folks. They always see a potential client ......or bible student....basically everybody is a victim.

    Birds of a feather do flock together...


  • Godsendconspirator

    I remember attending a few Amway meetings. I got the exact same creepy feeling as the Jdubs. The lovebombing, the talks, everyone in suits and loaded language. It felt exactly the same.

  • wifibandit

    About 2 months ago, in another forum (r/exjw), a poster asked for help with her JW sister who was sucked into MLM. I wrote her the following:

    • Show her these quotes and tell her that MLM is not only a scam, but actually AGAINST her religion.

    w07 10/1 p.27-28

    The Snare of Materialism

    8 Satan also uses the lure of materialism to entrap us. The commercial system of this world often promotes get-rich-quick schemes that may even beguile some of God’s people. At times, individuals may be urged: “Work hard. When you reach a comfortable position, you can take it easy and enjoy life. You can even pioneer.” Such words may be the unbalanced reasoning of some who take financial advantage of their associates in the Christian congregation. Think carefully about that incentive. Does it not mirror the thinking of the “unreasonable” rich man of Jesus’ parable?—Luke 12:16-21.

    w07 6/15 p.29

    14 Another area in which we need to be alert is that of handling money matters. For example, would we get involved in a get-rich-quick scheme that borders on fraud?

    w03 12/15 p.23-24

    17 Anxiety may also be brought on by materialistic pursuits. For example, some complicate their lives by living beyond their means. Others have been enticed by get-rich-quick schemes and risky financial investments.

    w11 4/15 p.6-7

    Taking this wise counsel to heart will help us to avoid being ensnared in greedy, questionable business practices or in unrealistic get-rich-quick schemes. (Prov. 28:20)

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    SO true. Been reading Pinktruth.com which is about the Mary Kay cult and it's soooooooooooo similar to JWs it's scary. Although it's a product-based pyramid scheme I find myself nodding in agreement at every article.

  • Darth Fader The Sequel
    Darth Fader The Sequel

    Well, I am glad I am not the only one who sees these strong similarities between MLM and the JW's.

  • Magnum

    I am glad I am not the only one who sees these strong similarities between MLM and the JW's.

    I wasn't aware of the similarity until I read your opening post. Wow! I agree 100%. Good insight and discernment.

  • talesin

    A lot of JWS are (or at least were) into MLM schemes, and some exJWs as well.

    The WTS is changing its business model, it seems, because MLM is no longer as successful as it once was - people can't afford the 'front load' anymore, as is well-demonstrated by that link, Julia Orwell.

    (Friggin' fascinating, blog, btw! I have my own Mary Kay story to tell and lol, I got them GOOD. Why did she insist on recruiting a CMA student? drrr! She would not let me *just* be a client. I bought enough product at about 40%, to supply myself and friends for a couple of years, and make back my investment *plus*. I sold at parties for 2 months and doubled my front load, then quit. Those sales meetings were crAzAY! There was no religion, of course (we are a more secular culture), but other than that, yup, the Pink Truth is spot on as my experience, too! Anyhoo, I left with a few hundred bucks in my pocket, enough product to last me years, and most importantly, the last laugh! That was 1986.)

    Back to the OP. It willl be interesting to see 'how the worm turns'. The WTS is busily buying and selling, building and developing real estate, and focusing even more on donations. Field service is being replaced by Info Carts and the new re-brasnding of JW.org is coming along quite nicely. It's accepted and LOVED by the sheeple. I also found one of the quotes from a recent Watchtower (TM) suggested to *me* that they may be leaning towards instituting tithing. There was a particular emphasis on those who make more $$$, giving more $$$. hmmm. Random thoughts.


  • nonjwspouse

    When my husband and I unwittingly attended an herbalife "meeting" boasting session, ( we thought we were invited to a dinner party of sorts) I quietly kept pointing out the absurdities, and so did he! ( though his mind block kept him from fully, or at least outwardly admitting, the strong resemblance to the JW)

    This was another of the great seed planting times I had, and tried to keep the conversation active as long as I could.

  • sir82

    But it can't be the same! JWs don't hand out pink Cadillacs!

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