Can your pervert the meaning of scripture even more...

by never a jw 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Figurative sheep literally supporting the GB.

    Only in WT Land.

    This is classic WT editorializing based on cherry-picking, no different then claiming the "faithful slave" is literal while the "evil slave" is figurative, despite the fact they are discussed in the very same verse.

    I love the heads-up, which every JW will miss, that what they are about to read is pure, unadulterated, fictitious bulls**t....

    "In the illustration of the sheep and the goats, Jesus does not directly mention the preaching work" ... so we (the GB) will now expound on what we think Jesus shouild have said....

  • AnnOMaly

    Another one to shake your head at, never a jw, from p. 14, par. 9:

    'The second quality that helps those
    virgins to be ready is vigilance. Would
    it be possible for individual anointed
    Christians to get sleepy during a long
    nighttime vigil? Indeed. Note that Jesus
    says of the ten virgins that “they all became
    drowsy and fell asleep” during
    the apparent delay of the bridegroom.
    Jesus knew well that even a willing,
    eager spirit may be hampered by the
    weakness of the flesh. Faithful anointed
    ones have heeded that implied warning
    and have worked ever harder to remain
    vigilant, watchful. In the parable, all
    the virgins responded to the nighttime
    shout: “Here is the bridegroom!” But
    only the vigilant ones endured to the
    end. (Matt. 25:5, 6; 26:41) What about
    faithful anointed ones today? Throughout
    the last days, they have responded to
    strong evidence that, in effect, cries out,
    “Here is the bridegroom”—just about to
    come. They have also endured, keeping
    ever ready for the Bridegroom to arrive.'

    Apart from the fact that, for about 80 years until 2012, both 'anointed' and 'other sheep' JWs were taught the Bridegroom had already arrived back in 1918, so "faithful anointed ones" couldn't have "kept ever ready for the Bridegroom to arrive," the Watchtower article bizarrely interprets Jesus' detail about all ten virgins falling asleep to mean that the five faithful ones actually "worked ever harder to remain vigilant, watchful" (therefore, they didn't fall asleep as Jesus said they did).

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    This WT writer must have written this article under duress from the GB.

    The interpretation of Matthew 25:36-45 is so conspicuously twisted that sometimes I feel that closet apostates write this stuff to cause JW's to awaken, serving thus a double purpose:

    • flattering the megalomaniacs in the governing body, who in turn keep the writers in their jobs,
    • writing outrageously corrupted interpretations of the bible to awaken the few that are not complete zombies
  • never a jw
    never a jw


    All this within the same magazine that writes about no more types and antitypes. Someone inside Bethel is laughing all the way to the bank.

    One of my brothers actually has 5 years of college. Granted that his career, architecture, is very technical and is not necessarily a preparation to spot watchtoweresque B.S., you would think that he is not the kind of guy the watchtower would trap in the cult. But he joined the religion when he was over 40 and today he is deep inside, so deep that even though he knows about many of Rutherford's "shortcomings", he uses as a defense that he believes in the Bible, that Jehovah used Rutherford, despite all his faults, to guide the spiritual Israel, that the name JW's, and that the preaching work are proof of his religion being the true religion. Oh my, the power of cults!

  • Vidiot

    XkhanX - "This WT writer must have written this article under duress from the GB."

    Either that, or really strong meds.

  • hamsterbait

    The Babble doesn't say what it means. It means what they say...

  • Apognophos

    I prefer not to talk about my pervert.

  • Loi_241

    One activity: preaching can save your life and live forever on beautiful earth.

    I've heard it many times, which is not enough. As Jesus says, I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me in. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me, etc. If you do more than just one activity, you will be saved.

    So, more activities, are these good attitude to do those? Good. :)

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