Governing Body courageously 'Admit their mistakes'

by LogCon 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot

    "Brothers and Sisters worldwide will be overjoyed to know that the Governing Body finally has the 'COURAGE TO ADMIT THEIR MISTAKES'..."

    Gosh, I can't tell you how relieved I am...

  • Tenacious

    Bottom line is, if the GB is not clear on how to interpret a doctrine, don't presume to know and foolishly print it. Be humble and wait it out.

    Otherwise, no scripture in the Bible including Proverbs 4:18, will allow you to claim to be the sole channel on earth representing Jesus with Jehovah's blessing. Sorry but you will be ridicule by those that can think clearly, think objectively, think critically. Which is why the WTS resorts to mind controlling techniques in their magazines, talks, meetings, and assemblies.

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "If you want to know how humble WT is, just ask them- they'll go on and on about their humility (and courage)."

    Well, how the hell else are people gonna know? I mean, they keep such a low profile...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    T: if the GB is not clear on how to interpret a doctrine, don't presume to know and foolishly print it. Be humble and wait it out.

    Doctrine is the one area where WT abandons the "wait on Jehovah" axiom.

    Vidiot: Gosh, I can't tell you how relieved I am...

    Me too. I've slept so much better since this article came out.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Didnt hear that for the Awake magazine about the kids that gave their lives for a blood doctrine that has been progressively overhauled.

    didnt hear that for those that suffered due to an archaic stance against immunization

    didnt hear that for those that experienced years of emotional stress in relationships where porneia had not yet been defined and they could not remarry

    didnt hear that for.....the list goes on and on

  • Emery

    Watchtower: "We courageously admit our mistakes... while punishing our fellow brother's and sister's who admit to their own."

  • Terry

    This is rather Zen; to do by not doing.

    The source of error has not been pinpointed, has it?

    How did the noise creep into the data?

    The FDS is like a Pharmacist who can't read Dr. Jehovah's prescription script.

    So--what do they do? Do they FILL IT ANYWAY?

    Where is due diligence?

    People sicken and die--but wait! Not to worry--eventually they make a phone call and Dr. Jehovah chuckles and explains

    what the ACTUAL medication was SUPPOSED to be. All is well. (Pity about the funeral.)

  • kurtbethel

    Those guys in 1919 got it wrong, but they're dead now and WE got it right. Therefore, follow us.

  • stillin

    Well, the statute of limitations is just about up on 100 year old mistakes. So no big deal.

  • LogCon

    The Watchtower owes a special apology to all the 'old timers' who tried their best to understand.

    Meeting after meeting, convention after convention, book after book, year after year. 'Babylon the Great has fallen', ' Then is finished the Mystery of God', etc, etc, etc.

    It appears as if the 'mystery is continuing'. The minds of most senior JW's must be spinning out of control. Throw some dementia into the broth and brother, it is anyones' guess as to what is coming down the pike.

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