Creationism emails from a JW

by TheStumbler 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Apognophos

    Well, I do think this part might be over the head of the average Witness. It's hard to really give the subject a good treatment while also being brief, and the evidence for the "creation from chaos" reading is clear only after looking at related myths and discussions of Hebrew words like bereshit and tohu wabohu. So yeah, maybe just keep it pithy and give him something to think about with the Quran comparison.

  • TheStumbler

    Okay, I'll remove that stuff. I think the interpretation of the English translation is bad enough on its own - it genuinely does not say anything like the PPsimmons video is interpreting it as.

    Or do you reckon I should skip the PPsimmons / Genesis criticism completely and stick to the Koran. I think that might be the better approsch because it's a neutral subject but the parallels to the Watchtower's reasoning is obvious. As tempting as it is to point out the flaws in Genesis - Sometimes less is more

  • Apognophos

    You might want to stick to just the first two paragraphs in your post 189 (up until "Further to this"); it's a good conclusion to the Quran analogy that makes things a little more explicit for the JW (better to spell things out for him than leave him to connect any of the dots). As you said, the part about the inaccuracies in the "science" of Genesis is tricky because it could be going "too far" for the JW. I don't think that anybody can absorb a ton of contrary information at once, JW or not.

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