What Will U Spend For XMas This Year?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • tiki

    i set a $500 cap............and thus far have spent $757...........but at least $200 of that is stuff for the house, for me. i'm into crystal snowflakes and silver ones.......every year get the swarovski one. they are so beautiful!!!

  • flipper

    Not as much as normal- I just plunked out $ 2,700 on a new transmission for my truck- so pickin's will be slim this Christmas ! LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    I buy stuff throughout the year when I see it and in my family, we don't tend to buy high end items for people. I would say I spend less than $600 altogether on gifts for Christmas. That doesn't count extra gifts for my Dad whose birthday is right after Christmas.

  • truthseekeriam

    Well it's just my little family of 4 plus 2 doggies that celebrate xmas.

    We bought the tree and ornaments last year and our neighbor made us a beatiful wreath for our front door so it's should be under 300 bucks this year.

  • arwen

    Tiki.. I love those snowflakes too.. get one every year.. would like to get them back to 2006 when i first started celebrating again. I find it very hard as I have two kids who celebrate and two kids.. the older ones who dont want to celebrate any event.. I know it is due to their upbringing even though they were never baptized. it is in their head.not to celebrate.. I always give them gifts but dont expect any from them.. the younger two.. in their 20's are pretty good at gifting but they were just young teens when i escaped from the Tower so it is different for them too.. My poor husband went for years not allowed to buy me anything to me buying my own gifts from him now!!! I tend to overspend to make up for all the years of no holidays!! I put the tree up the end of November as soon as we got to Florida.. I love it. I love the sales after Christmas of Christmas candy and stuff!! They dont do "Boxing Day" down here so everything is open...I got a Christmas card today from a JWN friend and sent out four!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!! or Happy Holidays.. x0

  • GrreatTeacher

    I think we're at about $600, but that doesn't count Christmas dinner which we put on for 12 - 15 people. That will probably be another $200 when you count all the booze, too.

    Some items I buy during the year if I see them, other times I will knock out an entire caregory, like all the sisters and sister-in-laws, with one visit to an online retailer. This year, the girls all got make-up bags from the Vera Bradley website. This keeps me out of the stores where I tend to spend more than I had planned. We did make it to Costco for one whirlwind trip for toys for all of the little kids and in sales tax free Delaware to boot!

    My son is the hardest. He is a railfan, which is kind of an obscure hobby for a 13 year old boy. We ordered him the newest train video game and new headphones for his computer to spare our ears, actually! (Nothing like a steam train whistle to break the peace on an otherwise calm evening.) He picked out a t-shirt online and we also ordered him a train calendar. The biggie is the membership to a railroad association which will allow him to work on restoring old steam engines. That he will love!

    My husband has told me to pick out stuff I like while we are shopping together to put under the tree. I've picked out a pair of pajamas, a few candles, and some nail wraps for my fingernails. And, my husband has just been hunting and got two does, so the bullets, camo clothing and butchers fee will likely be his Christmas gifts.

    No money spent on decorations this year because last year I snagged a beautiful 9 ft tree at Home Depot that came with a free container of Christmas decorations. A really pretty tree, it has pinecones and multiple kinds of differently shaped branches that make it look very realistic. And, the inflatable Thomas the Tank engine with santa hat and greenery is still in rotation in the front yard.

    So, kind of a low key holiday this year, but full of all the necessary ingredients: fun and family.

  • MrFreeze

    If I had the money to give lots of gifts I would but I don't have the money so very little.

  • kaik

    I dont care for xmas, but will spent time with my inlaws who are mostly Jewish. We exchange gift through much the year when I see them. I mailed lego to my nephew. I appreciate the family time and having people who are not JWs to be kind to me. This matters most.

  • purplesofa

    oh you know, it's the thought that counts!!!

  • minimus

    It is only money.

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