If you don't have an "electronic device" you aren't ready for service!

by LostGeneration 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    WT's past view of 'electronic devices' as in cell phones and personal computers before jw.org came on the scene:

    "Persons who have large homes, the latest in mechanical or electronic devices, and many other possessions, know that these things bring with them recurring “headaches,” or problems. (W 3/1/82 pg2 par 14)

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Back in 2008 WT was hinting that computers and other electronic devices (cell phones) were tools of Satan designed to entice us into sin:

    "Satan is doing all he can to corrupt us and make us lose Jehovah’s approval. (Rev. 12:12, 17) The Devil’s evil intentions are clearly reflected in the world, which is obsessed with immoral sex and violence. Pornography can now be easily accessed through computers or other electronic devices. May we never succumb to Satan’s attacks..." W 10/15/08 Pg 6 par 16

    Today WT is strongly encouraging the rank & file to use these same tools of Satan in our ministry!

    Today WT endorses and is agreealbe with JW families in the purchase of these Satanic $500, $600, $700 and $800 dollar devices for each and every member of the family.

  • Splash

    fastjehu 3 hits for "latest gadget"

    Thanks for those references fastjehu, and the other ones you found JW GoneBad.

    Seems the doublespeak applies to this as well then. Counsel not to get the latest gadgets, but then pressure to have them to keep up with the KM presentations and jw tv. Quite frankly, if you don't have a tablet at the KHall these days, you're the underclass.

    My 70 year old mother in law can't use her tablet but told me she's going to use it in the ministry this week. When she fails miserably, that will be another reason for her to feel like a failure and become more depressed.
    I also hope she doesn't get mugged for it.

    The internet has gone from being a frightening tool of Satan, to the GB's secret weapon. Maybe they are the same thing.


  • Heaven

    Even if my Father's life depended on it, there is no way he'd be able to use an electronic device or go out in Field Serve-Us.

  • Heaven

    fastjehu 3 hits for "latest gadget"

    Thanks for those references fastjehu, and the other ones you found JW GoneBad.

    Seems the doublespeak applies to this as well then. Counsel not to get the latest gadgets, but then pressure to have them to keep up with the KM presentations and jw tv

    The browbeating continues.

    YesNo Emoticon

  • Vidiot

    Heaven - "The internet has gone from being a frightening tool of Satan, to the GB's secret weapon. Maybe they are the same thing."

    Po-tay-to, po-tah-to...

    Heaven - "Even if my Father's life depended on it, there is no way he'd be able to use an electronic device..."

    Kinda scary, considering that dialing 9-1-1 (particularly when one's life depends on it) requires the use of an electronic device...


    The concern the GB has for 70+ JWs is probably centered around their Estates. Their TRUE target are the very young. Thank Jeehoober my kid missed the Caleb and Sophia craze. It's extremely devious.

    The senior dubs will die off, including the senior GB. The WTBTS machine will continue to run until it runs out of fuel. So they don't really give a shit if your Mom or Dad, or Grandparents can't afford or operate a tablet. Those people have outlived their usefulness. Sure there are some articles here and there about the value of the Elderly, but it's all BS.

    The true value of the Elderly in Dubland is in direct proportion to their ability to STFU and regurgitate the latest "ideas" of the GB to the ignorant youth.


  • Heaven

    Kinda scary, considering that dialing 9-1-1 (particularly when one's life depends on it) requires the use of an electronic device...

    Vidiot, you are so correct. This is why he is in a nursing home now and not allowed to venture out on his own. I didn't even get him a phone in his room because he doesn't have a clue how to use it and can't get to it. Dementia has a way of creating Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses whether they like it or not.

    I suspect his status with the Borg is 'inactive' at best; I'm pretty sure he is no longer considered a Ministerial Servant.

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