by raymond frantz 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • scary21

    StarTrekAngel, That is what I thought. If he pushes his wife at the KH, I would hate to see him at home when they are alone. Poor woman

    Poor Leon too. Ok, I feel sad for the whole bunch of them..

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    People who have been seriously wronged by the Watchtower organization or who simply want to leave it, are expected to disappear into the wild blue yonder and keep their mouths shut. They are expected to silently and humbly take whatever lumps they have coming to them. This is a faceless organization and no one in authority has anything tangible to base that authority upon or really knows for sure what to do when someone like Leon goes off the script and wants real answers instead of the platitudes and canned responses read from one of the Watchtower publications. Until now, anyone with a complaint about the Watchtower was a lone voice crying out in the wilderness without a shred of legal recourse. Thankfully however, the internet came along. Gone are the days when these people have to go away and somehow put the pieces of their shattered lives back together on their own. They now have a voice and this distraught man is making sure his story heard. The trouble is, years of mistreatment combined with the hurt and frustration of being shunned for speaking out about it, can make an otherwise rational person lash out wildly. These soft spoken people in their suits and ties and their thinly veiled disdain of anyone who dares speak against them, use this to their advantage. They are well rehearsed in keeping up an appearance of mildness and control but they are amateurs at everything else. They are often Janitors, Carpenters and Tradesmen who have little or no education and no secular training in helping people with real life problems. They dare to tread into matters that should be dealt with by highly trained professionals. They have the power within the congregation to devastate an individuals personal life and forever alter whole family lineages with their decisions. All this distraught man wants are real answers and an honest acknowledgement that he has indeed been wronged. This situation could have been de-esculated if one of those men simply said to him "Yes Leon, you and many others like you have been wronged and we are sorry for all the years you suffered when you could have been helped had this organization trained us to serve you better, but please let us help you now " . Although I'm sure these men know in their hearts, there is truth in what Leon is saying, they won't ever admit that they or Watchtower organization could have been wrong, for doing so would be opening doors for them personally, that can never be shut again

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Nothing about this is good. Leon isn't moving on. He makes the JW's look reasonable and patient.

    "Why was I raised this way". - Who knows? Asked the people that raised you!

    This dude does nothing but feed the paranoia. One way or another, we have a choice to live life the way we want to. we all have to deal with the good and bad of our parents decisions. In the end, the religion is bad. But it is just a religion.

    This guy is just ranting. It does ZERO good, for anyone involved. Its seriously cringeworthy.

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