Why is it wrong for Christians to celebrate Christmas?

by james_woods 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    If you rewind the video backward through the century to the mid 1800's you'll discover something interesting.

    Take a look at what sort of people listened to William Miller's silly prediction for THE END OF THE WORLD.

    Who were these people?


    Before we can understand we must realize something about Americans!

    America was colonized by religious nuts!

    Puritans pissed people off in Europe by being WEIRD.

    Holier-than-thou and obsessive compulsive families settled and built cities and lots of churches.

    You could be hanged for missing church on Sunday!




    Less than a century after Americans fought for Independence from England, along comes this war hero, WILLIAM MILLER.

    He made a name for himself in the War of 1812 and he was a kind of semi-Apostate from the Baptist church at the time!

    But, he figured his military success just HAD TO BE because God was on HIS side. (i.e. the man was delusional.)


    Just like every subsequent nut-job, Miller sat down with his Bible, a pen, and paper, and asked the same God who gave him military victory

    to tell him when JEEZUS was coming back. Gentiles Time: HERE WE COME!!


    When Miller shared this crackpot wack-job nonsense with his fellow Baptists. . . (wait for it. . . wait for it. . .) most of them thought he was crazy. But, they gave him respect for being a Baptist WAR HERO.

    ONLY A FEW in each church thought it was not only plausible, but it sounded ABSOLUTELY TRUE!




    The Great Disappointment only disappointed his fellow nutjobs. The rest of the maybe-yes, maybe-no followers simply went back to church!

    So what?

    So, even though Miller's computations were DEAD WRONG (proving himself a False Prophet) enough nut-jobs hung around for a second disappointment.

    And a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc.

    Miller gave up, but his fellow crazies WOULD NEVER ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG.

    What kind of people do NOT admit they are wrong even when completely disproved?


    People who were able to think they are right and everybody else is wrong CAN COME UP WITH ANYTHING as long as it is contrary to common sense.

    Miller begat the 2nd Advent sect.

    The 2nd Advent sect begat the Bible Students.

    The Bible Students who follow Russell begat a cult led by Rutherford.

    Rutherford begat Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Jehovah's Witnesses begat CRACKPOT BELIEFS contrary to common sense.

  • MaybeSo

    Merry Christmas!!!

    I wish I could say it more openly and often.

  • clarity

    Ah yes ........ Rutherford sitting back enjoying

    this lovely dinner ....

    I wonder how many "bethelites" were starting to

    skip this at bethel, and spending the"Holidays"

    with thier real FAMILIES!

    Well .....he will just put an end to that!!!!



  • Apognophos

    The Great Disappointment only disappointed his fellow nutjobs. The rest of the maybe-yes, maybe-no followers simply went back to church!

    So what?

    So, even though Miller's computations were DEAD WRONG (proving himself a False Prophet) enough nut-jobs hung around for a second disappointment.

    And a 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc.


    Miller begat the 2nd Advent sect.

    The 2nd Advent sect begat the Bible Students.

    I was just reading some old Watchtower material (1800s, I think) that actually claimed that 1844 was part of the Bible's numerological timeline too, that is, you could derive it from Bible numbers just like with 1914. Even though 1844 was called a "great disappointment" in the article, it stated that the divine purpose of 1844 was to get people paying attention and looking for the correct time of the end.

    I wonder if people here have seen this quote or I should post it. It's interesting because they were using the "eager mistake that served a purpose" rationale even back then, and for someone who wasn't even a part of Russell's movement!

  • Terry

    Study this rather extensive tour of the development and borrowings leading to official Watchtower doctrine on END TIMES and Date setting.


  • steve2

    Terry, a nice, snappy overview of the genesis of the modern end-times movements - plural is deliberate.

    Quite frankly, if we are pointing the finger at impressionable but overly-self-confident Chuck Russell, as you note, we need to recognise the pivotal role of Bill Miller, a religious nutter whose unfortunate influence gave birth to myriad nutterites, including 7th Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses.

    In the company of either sect, one needs one's nutter radar on full alert - and we haven't even started on the nutty for breakfast, lunch and dinner Mormons who inhabit a refreshingly Miller-free zone but are riddled through and through with Joe Smith's sex-obsessed grandiosity.

    Oh why do already-crazy "great" world religions splinter off endlessly into madder offshoots? Well, if your foundation's mad, there ain't anywhere else to go but madder. Asked and answered.

  • EdenOne

    You know, guys ... I really recommend that you read the "Dead Sea Scrolls". (I've read the 7th edition by Geza Vermes). These are the writings of an ultra-fundamentalist jewish sect of the 2nd century BC that lasted until the first century CE, the Essenes, that met its demise at Masada. Their holier-than-thou attitude towards the rest of the Jews and the jewish establishment, their exacerbated messianism, their strict demands of purity, their complete submission to YHWH, their vehement denunciation of all others not adhering to their worldview, and hopes that they would soon perish in a devine day of reckoning ... it all resonated soo familiar to me. They were truly the 'Jehovah's Witnesses' [Rutherford/Franz style] of two millenia ago.


  • steve2

    Excellent points Eden! There is nothing new under the sun. The JW mentality is not unique to them - there are several varisnts in existence and throughout time, each espousing its own allegedly unique hold on "truth".

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