"The governing body at that time..."

by OneEyedJoe 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    At least the Apostel Peter read what that rogue writer Paul had to say, and he found it "--hard to understand--"


    The governing body members find what they could read here and in letters to brooklyn hard to understand too, but it is the writing on the wall.

  • pronomono

    Excellent points, objtruth.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    @ objectivetruth

    Right on! That is EXACTLY the argument I had with my CO friend several years ago. Paul was a rogue...he had no direction other than the Holy Spirit. Words are twisted to give power to these self-appointed leaders!

  • BU2B

    We just had our regional manager visit as well. The smoking thing was brought up as well as he discussed various "refinements".

  • bennyk

    One EyedJoe writes: "It's clear that this cult thinks of its literature as equal to the bible since the GB is supposed to be the continuation of the folks who set doctrine in the first century."

    The "Christian Greek Scriptures" demonstrate that the early Christians were guided by the Head of the Congregation, the Lord Christ Jesus, not some "Governing Body." But even if we were to assume from Acts chapter 15 that some manner of governing body existed in the first century, we would note that it would have been composed of β€œthe Apostles and older men.” (vs. 6) And the authority of the Apostles was unique: we cannot clothe anyone today with their authority. Even the Reasoning book (p.37) notes: β€œ Apostolic Succession --Definition: The doctrine that the 12 apostles have successors to whom authority has been passed by divine appointment.... Not a Bible teaching.” (Italics in original)

  • prologos

    There was no governing body at the end of the first century, if one is to believe the book of revelation, the 7 congregations aswered directly to the lord, and

    if the story is supposed to happen now, since 1914, "--in the Lord's day--" then there was still no Governing Body forcast in prophecy.

    Elders are responsable, personally, individually. (other thread)

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    We just had ours too, I started marking every time he used the term Governing Body, I think it was in the twenties by the end of the talk...

    He also brought out the old doozie about the superior authorities and the fact that Jah allowed us to believe a doctrinal error for a while AS A PROTECTION for us during the war years....

    Whatever ...

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