Reject "worldly" fantasies, pursue Kingdom "realities"!!!

by DATA-DOG 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Now, whose fault is it when they do not look at outside circumstances? For starters, do you go to Israel on that mission, or do you put the money into a monster box of silver? Suppose one person goes on the mission, and the other buys the silver. Almost immediately after the mission, the dollar becomes toilet paper. The person who bought the silver is going to live comfortable for quite a while--Satan? And who is to blame for the other who went on the mission losing everything? Can that be blamed on Satan?

    Perhaps they can blame their own stupidity. But, who is behind all the hounding? Who is it that threatens them that they will be destroyed unless they go on the mission instead of buying the silver? If the person who did the mission was contemplating buying the silver instead, and joke-hova used all the hounders and threats to get the mission out of this person, is it solely stupidity? And can they blame Satan? Did Satan want you going on that mission? I don't think so. So you cannot blame Satan for that one.

    Or another--pious-sneering. Last fall, they had a washtowel urging people to cut way back on their income and pious-sneer. And donate whatever they had to the Worldwide Damnation Fund. About the same time, there was a threat of a three-day blackout for a false flag grid down. You had the choice: Pious-sneer, or put the money into getting plenty of flashlights, batteries (NiMH ones), and chargers. Those who pious-sneered may have laughed when the false-flag grid down blackout did not happen. But, what happens when we get a real grid down? Or a major storm causes a major blackout that will have them out for a few days? Who is going to suffer? Remember, Satan wanted people to get the flashlights and batteries in lieu of pious-sneering. Do they blame Satan anyways?

    Reality is, things happen. Many of those things are beyond anyone's ability to control. Others are mathematically engineered into the system--hyperinflation. You are going to get old. You will get sick, often with diseases that are of spiritual origins. Cars break. Houses develop problems that need fixing. People need to feed their souls--and the washtowels do not do that more than a few months (and even that, it is like eating nothing but Skittles and similar candy. You might survive a while, but you will lack amino acids and vitamins in time.) The reality is, one needs to look ahead and prepare for these events, or one is going to pay for it later. And, if Satan is in favor of preparing you for these events, can one really blame Satan?

  • LisaRose

    It's a false argument, most people do not want everything to be given to them, they know it's only by hard work and sacrifice that they can have the life they desire. It's neither wrong nor selfish to have personal goals and dreams, to want to have financial security, nor is it unattainable. That's the reality.

    They are creating the fantasy, a panda petting paradise, a world free of pain and sorrow, that can be yours simply by doing everything they tell you to do. You don't have to make any decisions, you don't have to worry, your Watchtower mother feeds you and decides what's best for you. Bu t you will never grow up, you will be helpless without mother to take care of you and tell you what to think, do and say.

    This is why most JWs never figure out they have been fooled, they are helpless babies, they have lost the ability to think or reason for themselves. When presented with facts that conflict with what they have be told, they just shut down, they are unable to process it.

  • looter

    i guess it is a Huge reality that Satan is controlling everyone who is not a Jehovahs witness..

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    The reality is....dont pursue higher education unless WE NEED YOU. Then, GREAT!

    Worldly fantasies are bad, unless you are talking about the selection of the GB, tight pants, and Spanxx as well as the idea that there will be a new world.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I could never get over the fact that Jehovah evidently had a point system. Keep chugging along within the confines of his organisation, you'll make it to the finish line. So you need to kiss his organisation's ass in order to please Christ and Him, and you'll get in. Everything after that point will take care of itself? Well, not quite because you still have to prove faithful through the 1000 year reign and then as a 'perfect' human being you successfully fend off Satan's last temptations fresh out of the abyss. Sounds like a complex medieval style labyrinth to me. Why do you have to constantly prove that you are deserving of life? That shouldn't be an elite club. There are many people I dislike whom I still feel are deserving of life. What's so difficult about that?

  • talesin

    ADCMS - yup. You weren't strong enough to resist Satan's temptations! You have now chosen to worship Satan, you have eaten the proverbial vomit, and belong to this 'worldly system of things' TM .

    My head is spinning, just thinking about it. Most illogical, Captain.


  • flipper

    Definitely the pot calling the kettle black. The WT Society promotes the most delusional fantasy of all- living forever in a paradise earth with never being sick and never dying. ACCEPT and PURSUE worldly realities, REJECT Kingdom fantasies and illusions promoted by the WT Society

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