Bible reading section for the week of November 24th. Duet 28-31

by stuckinarut2 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Ahhh...doing the bible highlights talk for the week would be fun hey?

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    I can't paste in this browser but there's an interesting contradiction in 28:63 when compared to ezekiel 18:23.

    Basicallyit's about whether Jehovah takes delight in the death of the wicked. It seems he does and he doesn't...

  • Theredeemer

    I bet this like porn for JWs. All they can picture is the billions of people who are awaiting these curses in armaggedon

  • piztjw

    I had a little fun picking on a JW with this scripture.

    I mentioned the fact that only fourteen verses contained blessings, while fifty-four verses contained curses. Their reply was that, "That surely shows Jehovah's love for his people. He gave them a choice, and plainly stated repeatedly what would happen if they didn't obey him."

    I think that in the event I attend tonights meeting I will attempt to get called on and make that same statement, followed by, "And today we see that the GB is just as loving. Remember the WT where they let us know that our very lives depended on following whatever directions we get from them?"

    If I get to comment it will be fun watching the sheeple's heads bobbing in agreement.

  • naja

    In the Awake!—2009 pp. 23-26 the article: How Can I Make Bible Reading Enjoyable?

    you find for instance the following suggestions:

    While you read . . .

    ▪ Use maps and depictions of Bible accounts to help you visualize Bible scenes.

    ▪ Consider the setting, and analyze details.

    ▪ Consult footnotes and cross-references.

    ▪ Ask yourself such questions as:

    FACTS: When did this occur? Who spoke these words? To whom were the words addressed?

    MEANING: How would I explain this to someone else?

    VALUE: Why did Jehovah God include this account in his Word?
    What does it reveal about his personality or way of doing things?
    What lessons can I apply to my life?

    To me it reveals a monsterlike personality

  • stuckinarut2

    great points above!

    I will bring out these...let you know how it goes soon!

  • fiddler

    So they are reading the Old Testament conquest of Canaan Bible readings in November and December. Very good, very good....should wake up a few more folks after the terrible zone talk of Tony Morris and the passing of 100 years of nothing. Yes, it could be a good thing they are reading this particular segment of the Bible right now and add to that the similarities to ISIL and Boko haram (sp) it was stuff like this that helped to wake me up.

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