Friend Told Me To "Get Over My Doubts & Keep Going Like Everything Is OK!!

by NoMoreHustle 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • snare&racket

    What's the harm in dabbing just a little human excraiment on your lips? Especially if your family would be mad if you didn't?.....

    I had a friend like this, he wasn't as awake as your pal, he even admitted to things such as saying "The society suggest...." When saying things from the platform he disagreed with. Helped the poor guy sleep at night I guess.... Very sad.

  • DesirousOfChange

    But he has come to grips that he would rather have "peace at home" then constant fighting. I can understand that to a degree........He then told me "what is the big deal" just going to meetings & participating also go out in service once in a while. This troubled me very much.

    I have a very good friend, who is also 100% "out" (mentally) -- and who takes the same approach because of his family. He says he is simply "faking it". He likes most of the people at the KHall and enjoys socializing with them. Unlike most brain-dead JWs that are just going along with the flow, he knows TTATT and says JWs are a cult. He still expesses belief in God & the Bible, but says JW doctrines (i.e., blood, literal 144000, Holy Spirit direction) are way off course (just like all the other churches/religions). But he says it's a good social group of friends, a great network of people, and no worse than any other religious group a person might join. Oh....and of course, to take a stand for TTATT would gain him nothing but cost him most of his family, friends, and social group.

    It's religion ala carte.


  • LisaRose

    But he has come to grips that he would rather have "peace at home" then constant fighting.

    He thinks the only two choices are living a lie or fighting constantly? That's a cop out, he is still being affected by cult mind control. Arguing takes two people, if he refuses to argue, there will be no argument, it's entirely in his control. What he means is that he doesn't want to deal with the inevitable fall out of choosing to leave. That's his choice, but don't let him fool himself that he is helpless here.

    If he chooses to leave it will be unpleasant, but there is little anyone can do about it if his mind is made up and he refuses to engage with anyone about it. I think he really just isn't ready to leave yet.

  • NoMoreHustle

    thanx for everyones input. that is the one thing that i can't get over is that how can you just throw hands up and say "oh well, i know it is B.S but gotta keep moving forward" that kind of thinking is not in my DNA.

    i am guilty of not being all the way out of organization once and for all, but i am not gonna cave in and participate like everything is OK.

    bottom line is i can't fake it!!! my wife knows that there is something wrong, i am just hoping one day she really wants to know why i feel this way.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes this religious organization is and has been full of bullshit from many perspectives including theological, sociological and psychological etc.

    You can point out its corrupt commercialized doctrines which were inherently devised to attract attention to its literature toward the public self

    described as preaching the Gospel or many detrimental fallacious doctrines which damaged humanity immensely such as the blood issues, Dfing and so on.


    In spite of the WTS. pointing some correct faults concerning what Christendom has done or are involved in., this organization created a vast amount

    of its own ill gotten doctrines and practices.

    So there you have it.

    Theses falsified doctrines such as 1914 and all other supposed dates/years compose the realization that the WTS. hasn't been chosen by a (true) god

    but solely upon themselves and cultivated their own power toward themselves, which proven to be a very dangerous endeavor in itself.


    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  • flipper


    NOMOREHUSTLE- Yeah, I think the way you feel is the way a lot of us feel. One reason that I could NEVER go back to the organization after being out for 11 years now. I cannot be a hypocrite and promote a criminal organization. It goes against everything I believe in. Hang in there with your wife and keep up hope for her that she may open her mind someday. But be careful with your friend as he may try exposing some of your " disbelief " to the elders in a weak moment he may have. It's really hard to trust JW friends- I found that out the hard way

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    The whole purpose behind the many meetings assemblies and repetative talks is to keep you from listening to your own inner sense. The Kingdom Hall is full of people who are, one missed meeting away from realizing there are holes in the premise of the religion they've built thier lives around. It is my firm belief that no matter how much some deny it, most JW's know deep down that there is no "New System" there was nothing special about "1914",there is no literal "FDS" and it's very likely that they will grow old and die one day. Despite this (and most of us were guilty of it ourselves) they are quite prepared to shun anyone who tries to point out the holes in their belief system. The cognative dissonance they suffer from allows them to rationalize that even if it's not true, it's a good way of life. They are taught to believe that thier "doubts" are caused by Satan.

    The best thing to do is to fade away and explain nothing to anyone excuses, explainations or justifications. Keep them in the dark and absolutely don't argue or try to persuade anyone...draw no lines in the sand. You can't win....just get yourself out and let the chips fall where they may as far as the JW's are concerned.

  • LongHairGal

    All these posts are good but Pete Zahut nails it. The whole point of the religion's many meetings, in my opinion, is to keep its members occupied so they will NOT think. I also believe many JWs are only a missed meeting away from walking out and forgetting it. I also firmly believe the REAL reason the religion doesn't want its members spending time with non-JW relatives is because it fears that JWs who spend enough time with these "worldly" relatives will be reminded of the unconditional love they experienced before they got involved with this vacuum of a religion.

    The religion is afraid they will leave when they realize this! This is probably why the religion is against holidays. Never mind the "pagan" origins. That is just a convenient excuse. It is all about isolating a JW from their relatives. I realized this one Thanksgiving many years ago when I was alone looking at four walls.

    So, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and make sure to spend it with the people who truly care about you!💓

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    That's right, LongHairGal!

    They do not want you to have fun, have memories, or build relationships with family that will take you in when you wake up!

    I am trying to put my life back together with family, realizing that they have made their own "family" of friends that have shown love to them and become 'family' when I wasn't there.

    And yep, Pete, it's the old Red Pill/ Blue Pill choice.... If you just keep taking the Blu Pill you can keep having that comfy life, living in paradise, even tho it's not true.. it's just a fantasy.

    Thanks Phizzy for boiling it down, making it obvious: The WT uses the word "doubt" to make you feel bad, when really we don't 'doubt', we know the truth about the truth.... it is a lie.

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