by ARoarer 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    After watching Dateline I am left with many emotions. Firt, sincere empathy for Erica. What a beautiful brave young women. She came across, not an evil apostate that Watchtower wants to portray, but someone like a victim who has become a survivor. My heart goes out to her and her family. My second emotion, is disappointment. I had known Barbara Anderson had much more that could have been said. And we did also. Dateline spent 10 hours at our home last July filming me, and the rest of our family. They filmed me describing the painful experiences we dealt with from the Watchtower, they filmed my daughter speaking of her abuse, they filmed our family sitting together watching the Rapist go door to door on the T.V, and our faces as we watched in disgust, they took the video of our son, Justin, his wedding and Bill performing the ceremony because the Watchtower Society ordered the elders to withdraw the Bethel Speaker, my daughter in law's cousin from performing the ceremony. They filmed my daughter walking saying she would never raise a child as one of Jehovah's Witnesses after going through what she had gone through. I didn't expect so much would be cut. It hurt to see the image of the rapist, a once trusted grandparent, groping at his victim, my daughter, just prior to her coming forward in 1988. The third emotion is grateful that the rapist, my father-in-law was portrayed in his usual arrogant attitude. That was his demeanor in the courtroom when he accused our daughter and the other victims who testified in her behalf of lying. Erica's experience in court with elders sitting with her rapist was exactly what we experienced in 1999 during the civil trial. Finally I feel relief that after seeing JR Brown on that video, I am so very relieved we are no longer a part of such a cruel, and cultlike religion. I thank God for directing our path. And I thank him for bringing new and good people into our lives. Starting with Bill, Barbara Anderson, and all on this DB who share these feelings.
    Barbara Pandelo

  • Angharad

    (((((Barbara & family)))))

    I've not seen the program yet, with being in the UK but have read a lot about it.

    Thanks for having the courage to stand up to them.

  • Nikita

    I can't even imagine what you and your family have had to endure! I am outraged at the WTS handling of this issue!

    (((((Pandelo Family)))))

    Thanks for having the courage to stand up to them!


  • patio34

    Hi Barbara,

    It's a shame more of the filmed portions weren't shown. It sounds as if they could have easily done the whole hour on it.

    Thanks very much for being brave enough to come out publicly about your family tragedy.

    I thought the program was excellent and am glad for the courage all of you showed.


  • orangefatcat

    Barbara, I found that the program was too short to discus the issues that needed to be addressed, but never the less, it did send out a powerful message that will make the general public and perhaps other JWs see that the WTBS is not all that it claims to be. They have many skeletons and I am sure that it is not over yet, pehaps other networks and talk show hosts will pick up on this and there will be more coverage of this. You and your family have put up a courageous fight and I applaud you and all others who have fought this fight and refuse to remain silent on this disgusting issue. You sound like a wonderful family and it would be a priviledge to know you. Please accept my sincerest love and graditude for your courage and convictions and to all others. Be Brave, this is one battle and many more are awaiting and we will prevail. Good luck Barbara. All my love

  • beckyboop

    ((((((((((((((((Barbara & Family))))))))))))))))

    Although I have yet to see the show (no tv), I have been reading all the responsed to it online. I am very happy that you as well as the others interviewed had the courage to stand up to the borg. I hope that you continue in your efforts to expose them--the society-- for what they are. This Dateline show is only the beginning of a large avalanche--due in large part to the outspokenness and efforts of families like yours and Barb Anderson and Bill Bowen.

    I personally think that more and more people will truly be disgusted by what they see, and then will stand up themselves about abuse or other mishandled cases. Think about what will happen as soon as they realize other connections between blood, organ transplants etc. and the resulting loss of life of thousands of people over the years.

    Anyway, I just had to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for going public with the horrific facts of the abuse and it's cover up. Please know that you are not alone, and that so many people are grateful for all your hard work and are supporting your efforts.



  • teenyuck

    Barbara, you and your family were very brave for coming forward.

    When I spoke to my diehard JW mother, she called you, your family and Barbara Anderson HERO'S!!!

    You are...I am so sorry that they did not air so much. What they did air is giving my mother pause.

    This is incredible.

    My Mom discussed your FIL going door to door....she was sickened by it. Having been molested by her father (whose father was an annointed) she is disgusted that they are allowing this.

    Your FIL did come off badly; that is positive. So did JR. Showing these men really is making my mother think. I cannot thank you enough for getting through where I have failed.

    {{{{{Barbara and Family}}}}}

  • LoneWolf

    Barbara ---

    May I email you? Mine is open.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    The Pandelo's in my book are real brave and deserve lots of credit.

    I think 99% of those that post here will agree all the people that have gone public about the Pedophile issue deserve our great respect, for their courage and undying love that motivates them to be willing to go public for the safety of possible future victims.

    God bless you all!!!

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • lisa king
    lisa king

    Hi, as I am from the UK I have not as yet come across this program that is being mentioned, have you any idea if this program will be shown over here as I would love to see what everyone has been mentioning and so would my partner and a few others.
    Thanks Lisa.

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