I think the WT believed their own "growth" statements - Financial Trouble Thoughts

by thedepressedsoul 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thedepressedsoul

    Yea, I just watched the May broadcast. It shows a sister using a credit card to set up a donation online, most likely automatic.

    My guess is this gets pushed a lot more. Now, not only are they taking donations online but they expect the hall to keep paying the same amount! Someone is double dipping.

    We'll see this arrangement pushed a lot more. Each publisher will be checked up on and asked if they have a automatic donation set up online.

  • Tech49

    Just another real-life experience to throw in the mix:

    We run about $250 short every month. More goes out to mandatory "tithes" than comes in.

    Now we currently have about $1700.00 in the bank account, and fading more every month. Donations are down, as most are older, on fixed incomes, and we live in an area where housing costs are climbing fast. Several families are moving out.

    I expect our KH Bank account to be about broke by the end of summer.

    Nothing in there for emergency repairs, etc.

    Way to go fellas! I secretly wonder if they will sell our KH off, and make us drive to the next closest one about 15 miles away.

  • joe134cd
    I honestly believe by not been more up front about the new funding arrangement (in the elders only part of the letter), this has given the impression to the rank and file they are not short of funds, when the exact opposite could be true. It come back to bite them. I say good bloody job.
  • Splash

    Maybe there will be a KM item every January a bit like the blood card item.

    The item will go something like
    - Privilege and a responsibility to contribute
    - Small amount if you're poor
    - No longer use contribution boxes, we have a better way
    - Complicated 'gift aid' arrangement so the elders will speak to each of you to explain it
    - The Society uses new technologies, so you should keep up and set up an automatic monthly bank transaction

    After the meeting the elders will find those in their group and present them with a donation form to be signed and witnessed.

  • TheListener

    I wonder how the automatic donation stuff will work in a divided household.

    I can imagine having to tell my wife that I disputed the credit card charges to the WTS. I will support my wife in her chosen religion but I won't support her chosen religion.

  • oppostate

    by discouraging higher paying careers and guilt-tripping the sheep for more contributions they can instill a sense of constant dependence on the bOrganization to assure them things will be all right, paradise is just around the corner.

    In essence sheeple (as we, ourselves may have been at one time) exchange the promise, by the WT oligarchs, of safety and paradise ahead, for the future we pass up, the reality of which depends on getting a good education and reaching for a successful career.

    The end result is slavery, physical, mental, and emotional to self-appointed Governors of our faith and hopes.

  • out4good4
    I will support my wife in her chosen religion but I won't support her chosen religion.

    That is the way I see it as well.

    The few dollars my wife is probably donating doesn't amount to much. And that is a good thing as she know she's got it good by not having to work for the past 20 years.

  • Phizzy

    Whether or not those at the top believe their own Bullcrap is of no great interest to me. They act as if they do.

    And hence their policies for the future seem to be predicated on, if not future growth, then at least enough replacement suckers to make up for those who no longer donate (being either DF,inactive, or dead).

    I think this will present them with a problem, Cash Flow will simply get worse.

    Then we will see some desperate measures. What will these be ?

    Anything that makes sure the Cash Cow keeps on producing $$$ from its udders.

  • Crazyguy
    Thier trying to squeeze money out of a turnip, bottom line no matter how you squeeze it's still a turnip
  • Crazyguy
    Another thing to consider is these guys are not poor, in fact they have more money then ever before but thier inflow of cash per month is down and like any good business thier just trying to get it back up.

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