This was just on nice

by ashitaka 39 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Billygoat


  • arachnia

    Hmmm....all of these quotes from those defending the WT brought to mind some others...

    Negotiation is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. ~Collective

    Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. ~Collective

    Why do you resist? We only wish to raise quality of life for all species. ~Locutus

    Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply. ~Collective

    You will become one with the Borg.
    You will all become one with the Borg. ~Locutus

    I am Locutus, of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us. ~Locutus

    Brave words. I've heard them before, from thousands of species across thousands of worlds, since long before you were created, but now, they are all Borg. ~Borg Queen

    Don't listen to her. She's poisoned your thoughts long enough. ~Borg Queen [Or the WT to JW's listening to us heretics!]

    Pleasure is irrelevant. ~7 of 9

    You will be obsolete in the new order. ~Locutus


    "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
    -Princess Leia to Governor Tarkin in SW:ANH

  • Michael3000

    In reading all those comments from JW's or JW apologists, it just struck me how much they sound like WWF Wrestlers or their fans!

  • ThatSucks

    I loved this one:

    :: "You filthy evil apostates. How dare you attack Jehovah's servants. It will be a great day on earth when armageddon arrives and all you evil ones will perish. You will be food for the birds and dung for the fields. There will be great rejoicing when you are all dead for attacking and maligning Jehovah's people, GREAT REJOICING!"

    Now, let's do a little word substitution here:

    "You filthy evil Groupas. How dare you attack Groupb. It will be a great day on earth when armageddon arrives and all you evil Groupas will perish. You will be food for the birds and dung for the fields. There will be great rejoicing when you are all dead for attacking and maligning Groupb, GREAT REJOICING!"

    So, Groupa merely attacks Groupb, and Groupb will rejoice when Groupa is dead (bird-food, field-dung, much rejoicing, etc).

    Uh... (scratching my head)... Groupa is supposed to be the evil ones in this scenario?

    Gotta love that cult mentality.

    BTW, Michael3000, I was LMAO when I read your comment. I can just see 'The Undertaker' reciting the above lines under his old M.O.

  • Elsewhere

    Bowen, is it not true you are openly gay? is it not also true that is why you were DF? If you care so much for children, why not take on all religions?

    Looks like they have realized they have no substance to their argument, so now they are resorting to slander.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • ashitaka

    A quote proving that JWs are THE most shallow people on earth.

    "I see the Garza family sure went off the deep end with the ponytail, the beard, and his wife wearing a cross? When people leave, oh they leave. so sad."-from silentlambs.


  • ashitaka

    Another intellectual marvel describing her feelings......

    "I would like to say a few things that are relevant. i am a lifelong witness, and the things you speak about are very disturbing. Let's get the record straight, I don't doubt that there are pedifile cases in the organization. What i do know is this, they were pedifiles before they ever got baptized or came into the organization. We cannot blame the organization because some choose to commit unspeakable acts. Jehovah's orgaization does not condone or tolerate any serious wrongdoing, especially something as terrible as molesting children. Years ago, when you were disfellowshipped, they publicly rebuked you and told people what you did. But, that brought on legal issues. Elders have to be very careful who they label a pedifile. If it's not true, then a person has been slandered. There must be proof, not neccessarily 2 witnesses, but some proof. If a person denies the charge, what can the elders do? Without proof, the courts cannot covict a person. Furthermore, most people, witness or not, don't go to the police when abuse occurs. Some people keep quiet for years because of the embarrassment. You hear it all the time. If a victim feels they need to go to the police, they should by all means do so. A person WILL NOT BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED FOR GOING TO THE POLICE! THAT'S UPSURD! we must keep the organization clean! If a person is found to be a pedifile, he will be removed from the congregation, NEVER TO HOLD ANY POSITION OF OVERSIGHT AGAIN IN HIS LIFE! We cannot prevent a repentant person from serving Jehovah. If he repents and turns around, he can be a part of the organization again, but never be an elder, ministerial servant, pioneer, and it just depends if he can comment or go inservice( depending on his rep in the community. I'm sure the brother on Dateline won't be able to continue field service, because now it is widely known of his past. There are many in Jehovah's organization who struggle with immorality, homosexuality, and sadly pedefilia. Only with Jehovah's help can they overcome theyre thorns in the flesh. Elders make as many mistakes as anyone else, and because of personal feelings , may not always say or handle things the right way. You must never leave Jehovah, or be stumbled over mistakes elders may make. Jehovah will vindicate Himself! Jehovah's Witnesses were not hurt by this situation, This dateline special attacks Jehovah because it undermines His Kingdom preaching work> Now people may be less likely to listen to the TRUTH of God's word because they think that we are some kind of haven for pedifiles! Blasphemy! If there is a problem, Jehovah has the power to staighten it out His way. He certainly would not use the wordly media who don't love Him and who could care less about doing His will. All they did was defame Him and His people. The preaching work is difficult as it is, this certainly does not help. But to all those who have been molested, my heart goes out to you. Remeber, only Jehovah can give you peace and closure. Never forget the wonderful things youve learned and pray for jehovah's help. Jehovah will answer! He is going to answer this whole issue in a big way! By the way, i never heard the Catholic church being criticized for not alerting the police, only that they still held position. Not so with JW! They lose position, honor, and their victims are free to contact the authorities. The elders will do so in states that require it. I pray that this matter is resolved quickly."


    "You know ya are the ones that have been disfellowshipped and you know your wrong about all the things ya say about jehovahs witnesses. You will be the ones that will have to anwer to jehovah when takes care of you that disgrace hes name your the ones that are apostates"

    Another dunderhead misses the point entirely....

    "I think its so interesting how in any other religion, any other race, etc no one ever really mentions the offenders religious affiliation but when it comes to someone that is a JW doing something wrong ..there it is in the headline "JW does this or that". Why is that? Why is there so much hate for JWs? There are so many religions in the world and different beliefs but when it comes to JWs people become so hateful. Yet in the same breath they will say how loving God is while they curse JWs. Even when someone such as Osama Bin Laden did what he did and people were getting hateful with those of the Muslim faith people would come to their aid and say it was not right to judge the whole Muslim religion over the act of one foolish, ignorant man. So why is it different for JWs? Why so much hate? Why is it that no one wants to realize that it is not the whole JW organization that is molesting children? Just as the whole Muslim religion should not be accountable for what a few of the Islamic faith did, JWs should not have to be hated for the foolishness of those that did the molesting."

    Of course, this isn't about witnesses being molesters, as that yokel thinks. It's about witnesses worrying about themselves before others....more about selfishness than anything else. 'Our names, what about our names.....and Jehovahs!' (as an afterthought)

  • BeautifulGarbage

    After reading some of the comments made by JW's regarding Dateline I have to agree with the poster, sorry I don't remember who it was, that wrote that these people are not defending the WTS, but *themselves* for being a part of it.


  • plmkrzy
    Another intellectual marvel describing her feelings......

    Yeah she should have just logged on and called Bill a boob.
    The everyone would understand .

    [email protected]

  • ashitaka

    Hey BG, here's something along those lines....only they mistake their f-ed up religion for God....

    "You are dragging Jehovah's name through the mud on this whole issue. And I think you people need help!! If you honestly believed in what the bible teaches you would know that a God of love would never tollerate these things. Also a God of love forgives, so even when imperfect people are disfellowshipped he does take them bach if they repent. I currently am disfellowshipped, not for any of the reasons on this topic, but yet I still am and I know he is a loving God that will forgive me!!!! So put that in your horn and toot it!!!!!!"

    What a sick f**k.


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