Getting married when you are spiritually out

by 1tMakesNoSence 29 Replies latest social relationships

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    As long as she is still mentally in there is always the risk that she will one day become zealous and think she is helping you by outing you to the elders.
  • stillin

    If she doesn't begin her fade now, you will always be the reason that she did later. You will be the one that her parents blame. And your wife will blame you too.

    I agree with can't leave. Full disclosure and honesty are a much better foundation for a marriage than deception and deflection.

  • LisaRose
    Are you prepared for the possibility that your wife will want to raise your children in the religion? People often rebel as young adults but once they become parents they feel they must go back so their children won't die at Armageddon. Would you be OK with exposing your children to cult mind control and the resulting guilt and fear?
  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome 1tMakesNoSence. If you GF will not watch Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23) or read books by Steven Hassan, then move on. I know my advice sucks!

    Why put your emotional and financial future in jeopardy? if your GF will not choose to critically think for herself and will blindly follow the WTBTS instead of unconditionally loving you, that is what you will be doing.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Quarterback

    Door knocking??? Are you kidding me????

    You should be willing to die for your mate if you really care about her. If that will isn't there, then walk away.

  • ron rawson
    ron rawson
    Wise old saying: "marry in haste/ repent at leisure".
  • rebel8

    If a person is "in", it is entwined inside her core self. It's who she is (as evidenced by how painful extraction is).

    Sure, she may feel right now that this difference between you is fine. She's young and still at the age when rebellion and open-mindedness are part of the developmental stage she's at.

    But it is a probable eventuality that she will find herself someday need to bring things to a head, making a painful choice between you and the borganization.

    If you are starting out a marriage with this giant divide between you, I worry you are starting a doomed relationship.

    Would it make sense to try to have her bring her decision to a head now, before you get engaged? Let her know what's at stake and give her time to decide. Maybe she will continue to explore the facts with you.

  • goingthruthemotions

    don't do it....your in for a world of heartache. JW women are not mentally stable and are driven by guilt and suffer from congnitive dissonance from the BORG.

    find a good women who has not attachment to the BORG.

    Don't say we didn't tell you so.


  • LostGeneration

    You are insane if you marry this girl.

    That is all.

  • FayeDunaway
    Have her read the entire jwfacts site. Let her think about it for a week or two. Then ask her what she wants to do for the rest of her life. If she is still mentally in, move on, baby. You don't want to raise your kids in this.

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